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We were freezing.
Well, mostly Optimus was.

"don't fall asleep."

I warned.
He huffed and grunted.
I was shivering and cold, but I don't need to make Optimus worry about me, when I'm worrying about him.
The fire upon my palms were faded and a bit dull. Halfway up to being extinguished.
Optimus wasn't looking any good, when an idea hit me.
I quickly extinguished the flames and climbed onto him.
He looked at me, tired and exhausted.

"What are you doing?"

He asked.
I smiled.

"I got an idea. But you'll have to be still, no noises too. I've never done this before, so it will take all my power and energy."

I explained.
Carefully with my right hand, I placed my hand in his chest. It was cold.
Concentrating, and closing my eyes, I imagined a bright fire.
As it grew, I lost control.
I sucked all the cold from Optimus and it came to me.
Piercing heat shot up my hand and back.
I gave all my strength not to pull back......since it wasn't done, yet.
But during the process, I felt a electric shock up my hand.
Screaming with shock and surprise, I was thrown back.
In pain and obviously dazed, everything went black.


Waking up to the winds howling.
Gasping, and cold air rushed to me.
I forgot we were in the Arctic again.

"Are you okay?"

A voice asked.
Whirling around, I saw a blurry familiar face.
Blinking twice, the face became clear and Optimus came into view.

"Wh–what happened?"

I asked, stuttering of the cold.
Optimus seemed fine, his aura heated the place and glowed a bit.
I looked at my hands and almost fainted.
Frost were spreading up, and a thought struck me.
I had released all my aura and temperature to Optimus.
So all my warm blood were taken out of me. I'm starting to freeze.
I sat there, completely horrified.

"Oh dear..........oh my gods of Olympus......"

I pleaded.
Optimus must've heard me, he looked at me questioning.
I gripped my hand to my chest, and it was cold.
Not an average day cold, but skin of ice cold.
I began to shiver and shake. The winds were stronger, and I felt so vulnerable.
This is what mortals must feel in Winter.
Cold..........vulnerable.........and weak.
I tried to open my palm and summon some fire....but nothing came.
My powers were simply shut off.


A voice asked.
It was Optimus.


I asked, teeth chattering.

"Are you alright?"

He then asked.

"I–I do–don't kno–know......."

I answered.
Which probably sounded arbitrary since I was freezing.
But I didn't want him to think it was Ratchet's fault......which it kind of is...
Oh well.....

"Are you cold?"

He then asked.
I was getting annoyed to be honest.

"D–do I–i loo–ook li–like I'm—col–d?"

I chattered.
He slowly nodded.
I felt a weird icy and solid feeling.
Like dried up clay on skin.
Looking at my arm, the frost grew and was up to my wrist.
I tried to move it, but it simply cracked.
Looking at Optimus again, his face was complete shock.

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