sorry for the short chapter this one will be longer
blaketon: Shit how the hell you get pregnant I haven't been with u for 2 yrd
Mariah: Ask yourself that question and I heard your working with this bitch Mindy or Monica
blaketon: Calm down its not like were dating were just partner in our movie
Mariah: Well you better tell that bitch watch her back
blaketon: Whatever I'm done with you
( end of phone call)
Tasha: Blaketon are you done on the phone
blaketon: Yea I'm coming
me: Damn took you long enough I'm going home
blaketon: Yea me too bye see yall tommrow
Tasha: Be prepared for second scene
( when I got home)
me: I'm going to bed dam it
( next morning)
me: Here the fuck we go again
me: What the fu.......
azzire: Girl turn to Chanel 6
me: WH...
azzire: Hurry up
me: Cut me the fuck off one more time
azzire: Sorry just look
me: Ok
newscaster: I have juicey news you guys all know blaketon James and some may know Alissa Williams with the new movie kick ass or die. I got a call saying the two actors are dating and blaketons ex girlfriend is pregnant exciting right!!!!
me: What the fuck is this
azzire: I didnt know you were dating blaketon
me: Its for fake
azzire: Whatever
me: Hold on phone call
me: Helli
blaketon: Did you see Chanel 6
me: Yea what the hell your gonna be a father
blaketon: Let me explain
me:no I'm not working with an actor hows a father too mariahs crazy ass baby
blaketon: You acted like you like call the fuck down
me: ( did I really like him was I taken this to serious. I couldn't like him he's a pain in the ass but so cute idk maybe I do)
blaketon: Hello are you there
me: Gtg Tasha calling
me : Hello
Tasha: Because Mariah is pregnant and now there never gonna belive you can his girl you got act pregnant or get pregnant
me: What I'm a actor no
career or creation?
RomanceIts about a 19 year old girl who is a actor she moves to l.a for her new movie kick ass or die. Her career is viral until she has to work with a award winning actor. She has to do many things can she handle it. Will she fall in love with him or save...