"Bye Tara! See you at summer!" I give my mom one last hug before I get out of the car and walk up to the big metal gate. I turn around one more time to see that mom had already drove off. "Here goes nothing." I mumbled to my self as I push open the gates letting out a horrid screech. I walk up to the school which looks kinda like a palace. I push open the huge wooden doors and walk in to see at least 600 kids rushing around the corridor. I walk in bumping in to someone. "Oh I'm sorry!" I say turning to the person I ran in to. It was a girl around my age. (15-16) She had on a green hoodie and black skinny jeans. She had short brown hair with purple bangs. She also had purple eyes. "It's okay." She mumbled and scurried off. I wandered around aimlessly until I found the office. I knocked on the door and heard a low raspy voice say come in. I walked in to see a middle aged man with a scruffy beard and electric yellow eyes. "You must be Tara. The new student." I nod at his statement. "Come in! And welcome to the academy!" I walk in and sit in the chair across from him. "I'm the headmaster here at ECA. Here is your schedule and dorm room number. I will have one of the students show you to your classes and dorm." I nod just as the door opens. A boy with dark brown hair and cristal blue eyes you can almost see through pokes his head in. "You called for me headmaster?" He asked before he looks at me."Yes I did. Come in Christian." He walks in and sits in the chair next to mine. "I called you down to ask you to show our new student to her classes and dorm." Christian nodded. "Can do!" The headmaster nodded and motioned towards the door. "You may go." We get up and walk out the door.
When we get out the door Christian turns to me and smiles. "Hi! I'm Christian! But you can call me Chris!" I nod but don't say anything. "What's your name?" I look up at him. "Tara." He smiled again. Man this guy is cheery. "Cool! Can I see your schedule?" I nod and hand him my schedule. "OK! Let's go check out your dorm!" He says and started walking. I followed behind but we soon got stopped. "Hey Chris! Whatcha doing?" A guy came up and asked. He has black hair like me but his eyes are pitch black. "Oh I'm just showing the new girl Tara around!" Chris moves out of the way so that the guy could see me. "Hey! I'm Troy!" He stuck out his hand for me to shake I look at and reluctantly shook it. We start walking again and after a minute we get to my dorm room. "Here it is! We have free time for two hours so I'll come back to show you to your classes!" I nod and say thanks then open the door.
I see two girls sitting on the bottom part of a bunk bed. The one was the one I ran into when I first got here. The other had brownish red hair and neon green eyes. She was warring a Black Vail Brides band shirt and black skinny jeans. They look up at me and blink once. "Are you our new room mate?" The one with green eyes asked. I nod. "K. I'm Jade and that's Rainy." "Wait aren't you the person who ran into me in the corridor?" Rainy asked I let out a awkward laugh and scratch the back of my neck. "Yea. Sorry about that." She smiles. "It's OK!" She looked at me then jumped up and tackled me. "Your eyes are so cool!" "Uh thanks? Yours are cool two." She got off of me and sat back down next to Jade. I ended up with the single bed and I made friends with Rainy and Jade.

Eye Color Academy
FantasyTara is a normal girl except for one thing. Her eyes are silver. She gets transferred to a school of kids just like her. (Sorry I suck at summary's. :P)