22- Taste the Rainbow

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22- Taste the Rainbow

Today is the home game and were here rehearsing for the gala instead of having school pride and cheering on our football team.

"Two more nights guys!" Mrs. Harland said and we were pushing ourselves to the limit and trying our hardest.

We've done great so far as we memorized the whole routine but my dance teacher keeps spotting errors like I have to be more graceful and Keith has to lift me higher up, so on and so fort.

"Can we call it practice Mrs. Harland? We got the routine and were extremely exhausted." I panted for effects and she looks like she's thinking about it. The truth is I just wanna watch the football game instead of being stuck here.

"Yeah I guess I've been tough on you guys, you can go now," Mrs. Harland finally gave in and I smiled.

"Thanks ma'am!" I said before walking in the change room.

"Wanna showers again babe?" Keith said suggestively and I shook my head.

"No, we gotta go to the football game!" I changed onto my shorts and lace top, shoving all my stuff in my bag and telling Keith to hurry. He changes worst than a girl.

As soon as he finished, I snatched his hand and pulled him out the studio and we both ran towards the football field of the school.

The campus was deserted and everyone was in the game. Loud cheering and screaming was audible from a block away as our students cheer on our team.

"Bev, slow down. I haven't had a drink since we finished rehearsals," Keith complained and I slowed down my pace for a bit.

Our hands were still entwined when we pass the gates and we earned a couple of stares from the crowd sitting on the end of the bleachers. I know what they're thinking, that we might've slept together before coming here but I'm sure we smell like sweat from dance so they'll think otherwise. Why do I care so much!? Damn! I never cared at all before.

I spotted Reece sitting in the front row, cheering on the huskies and I tugged Keith towards her. She beamed at us when she spotted me and told the people who were sitting beside her to move away for both Keith and I.

"Hey Bev!" Reece greeted out enthusiastically and I smiled.

"Hey!" I said with the same enthusiasm. Once we sat down, Keith took his bottle of water and gulped it down empty. I may say he just finished one litter of water in one shot and I stared at him weirdly.

"What? I'm thirsty," he shrugged and I chuckled at his expression. I peeked at the score board and we were leading by 3 to 1 which was good.

"Hey I have good news!" Reece said out loudly, close to screaming so I can hear her over the loud erupting crowd.

"Yeah?" I screamed back.

"You're a nominee for prom queen!" She said out loud and the people around us heard causing them to stare at me.

"No way! Shut up!" I said in disbelief. Prom queen? I've only been here for a couple of months and I've been nominated as prom queen?!

"Yes way! That's why we need to go shopping for the perfect dress!" Reece grinned at me and I got excited for the moment.

"What's happening?" Keith piped in.

"I'm nominated as prom queen!" I said excitedly and he beamed at me, giving me a hug and a peck on the lips.

"And you Mr. Yorkley is nominated for prom king!" Reece announced and he smiled widely. Prom king and queen, wouldn't that be nice? "Only catch is Kent is nominated too," I froze. Keith and Kent competing for the title is not gonna be so pretty.

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