Shocks Of My Mates!!

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I woke in pain and it was worse than before, my entire body felt like it was on fire.  Then i watched as a dude walked over whispering to the tiger that i had woken up next to, saying that i was beautiful more so then he had thought. I watched as they both walked over me and saw that I was awake, they immediately began looking at me wide eyed. Before they could do anything a strange new voice was inside my head, like before i was shocked to find another inner beast. I can tell that they both knew about this by the way they were looking at me, but i was too exhausted to do anything. Then they both climbed onto the bed, trying as best as they could trying their best not to jar it. I heard the new beast whispering little secrets to me about myself and how I was supposed to be....

A/n: Hope y’all love this sorry there short! First person to comment gets a dedication!!

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