Part 4

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That morning in the car

Zayn: Hey, Hey Shay wake up 

Shay: Uhh yea?

Zayn: Are you okay, you seem,pale?

Shay: Yea, its just chilly

Zayn: Lets go inside then

Niall: Omg you guys are okay

You: Thats great I was worried

Liam: I was totally scared that Shay got hurt

Zayn: ..Uh Hum

Harry: Would you like some tea lad?

Shay: Sure

Louis: Shay, Zayn..Your okay! Thank Kevins your okay

You: Tf? Kevins?

Louis: Yea gotta a problem?

You: No its just funny


Niall: Im sorry if Zayn made you worried last night

You: Its fine, the way you made me feel all safe was amazing

Niall: it was? So if I did this * pushes you on bed, lays on top of you and kisses your neck* would that be amazing?

You: hehe that tickled but yes

Niall: Then?* kisses down your chest and stomach*

You: heeh im tickleish* *giggles*

*Theres a knock at the door*N

Niall: Ughh!

Niall: Come in

Liam: Was i interupting something?

You: Yes!

Liam: Sorry, were late for an Interveiw, we gotta go

Niall: Oh shit

You: baby dont go please?

Niall: I have to * kisses you goodbye* Sorry


Louis: *driving car* Music anybody?

Liam: Yea

Harry: Ohh I'd love that!

Louis* Puts in CD*

*Youre insecure, dont know what for*

All the boys:** sings song* Your turning heads when you walk thru the do-oh0or

Zayn: Haha I love that song so much lads

Harry: Especially my parts

Liam: Yes my parts as well

Zayn: And who doesnt love my parts

Niall: Me...Just kidding..I love you No homo bro

Zayn .___. 

The boys stayed at the interveiw then went out for a bit at Nandos. They got back a few hours later to find a letter from You and Shay saying 

'' At the Fair be back later ''

Zayn: Ima go meet them There

Niall : me too

Liam: OMG

Louis: What?

Liam: Dani just texted me a pic saying I love you and miss you! YAAAY

Harry: Congrats

Liam: Omg omg omg omg


Zayn calls Shay

Zayn: Shay?

Shay: Yea hello

Zayn: where are you

Shay: Im bout to get on the hammer ride..alone Y/N is scared..

Zayn: Stay there I;l come with you

Shay: Aww but arent you scared of those kind of rides

Zayn: yea and Niall said he will go with Y/N and i'll go with you.Hey i see you bye

Shay: Bye


Zayn and Shay get on first and they loved it so much

You was scared but glad Niall went with to protect you


Niall: that was fun

You: Oh yea

Niall: You were scared but I got you babe

You: Im glad

Niall* holds your hand and kisses you*

You: Hmm, I love you

Niall: I love you more...than Nandos food


part 5 later

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