Two Kingdoms

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2 Corinthians 5: 16,17

From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

There are 2 Spiritual Kingdoms in existence. The one is of Light and the other of Darkness. In everything we do, we serve one of those Kingdoms. There is nothing in between. Most of the time we will know whom we serve – if we are in doubt there is a way to find out....., Do you see life as sacred, do you see marriage as sacred, do you see being honest and truthful as a holy characteristic, and respecting and the loving of people and God equally? We sometimes serve the Kingdom of Darkness without even realising it......We have to think more, evaluate more, discern more.....

Because of the fact that we have a choice to serve either one, we are judged by what we do, what we say and do not say, and whom we support. We should live on purpose. When we go to a concert where we worship God or go to church for the sake of becoming more dedicated to God, we go there on purpose.....

When you go to a concert (like the one at the Bataclan in Paris) where people sing to the devil (even if it is only one song) and you do not step out of the crowd, it can become another kind of testimony of ignorance, nominally or defying God. Why would anyone be willing to sing "Kiss the Devil" if they truly love God.......and even if they don't love God specifically? 

Evil turned up there because he was glorified.....People ask the question, why kill his own people if the people at the concert was indeed glorifying him? The answer is: Because that is what he is – evil. He has no regard for anyone even if someone really serve him. There is nothing good in him – he kills his own to prevent them from seeing the light......he is here on earth to kill steal and destroy.

I have also been to such an  event in my life. We all do things without thinking. .......and while I was enjoying one specific event, I suddenly became convicted of evil there and how I am one of those people who sets the stage for people to sin. 

I stepped out of there almost running......... It also happens in Christian events, where people do not know what they are doing serving their own desires seeking approval from people. For instance, selling the gospel instead of giving it freely......

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