Yes. I'm Deaf.

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Hey guys….This is my 1st story …. On Wattpad and I hope that you like it. I just wanted to clear something up…

Italics that are bold, like this, are representing Ali or anyone else signing to one another instead of talking.

Just italics are Ali’s or whoever’s POV’s thoughts.

And just plain old text is the story..

Just wanted to share that with you! (: Hope you like it!

My phone vibrated telling me that class was about to start. I closed my book and put my phone in my pocket. I looked up to the teacher as she started roll call. When she got to Ali Grayback, she just looked towards my seat, gave me a nod recognizing that she knew that I was here, and moved on to the next person. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see my best friend, my only friend, Hannah point towards the door. I looked up and saw the most gorgeous guy I have ever laid eyes on. I shook my head. Come on, Ali. It’s not like he’s actually going to like you when he finds out that your deaf.  But…I could always hope.

Mrs. Callway then started her lesson. I felt another tap on my shoulder, thinking that it was Hannah, I turned around and signed, What? But instead of Hannah, it turned out to be the new kid, the really hot cute kid. He smiled and started talking, but I couldn’t read his lips, as he was talking so fast. I turned to Hannah looking defeated. She looked up at the new kid and started to explain to him that I was deaf, while signing the whole time to keep me informed of what she was saying.

That’s the thing about Hannah. She’s always doing things for other people. When I lost my hearing in Kindergarten, she forced her mother to take her to a sign language class. We’ve been best friends ever since.

Once Hannah got done explaining to the new kid, he looked at me in pity and walked to his desk behind Hannah. Figures. He finds out I’m deaf and walks away. Typical guy. Hannah once again taps my shoulder, I’m sorry Al. Are you okay? I nod my head. I’m just so tired of people finding out I’m deaf and then ignoring me. I mean, I’m not that different. I’m not a freak. It’s not my fault that I’m deaf. Hannah shakes her head in understanding. I know, Ali. I know. She pauses and looks to the front of the classroom. Mrs. Callway wants you to turn around and pay attention. We’ll talk at lunch. I just turn around and try to read Mrs. Callway’s lips. And, like usual, I only catch half of the lesson.

I barely got through class without sneaking a glance behind me at the new student. I still don’t know his name. I shook my head, why should I care what his name is. He obviously doesn’t want to talk to me… I felt my phone vibrating in pocket. I sighed and put my stuff away. I stood up and stole a glance at the board to see what the homework was. Write a 4 page essay on the importance of Edgar Allen Poe in the literary world. Due next Wed. I scowled. Great.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Hannah. You ready?  She signed. I nodded my head. She linked her arm through mine, let’s go eat some food! I’m starving!

You’re always hungry, I replied. She just laughed and smiled as we skipped, or should I say, She Skipped, out of the classroom. As we walked out of the classroom, I couldn’t help noticing the new kid staring at us. 

Yes. I'm Deaf.Where stories live. Discover now