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six months later.

Harry Styles

Getting into my convertible, I start driving. Driving into no where. Mindlessly.

I have not heard from Lilla since she had come to my house accusing me for her mothers death. 

I should have said sorry that day. I don't know why, but I've been starting to feel guilty for all my actions I have brought upon Lilla. Taking some of her innocence away, making her life just an absolute hell. Like I had said I would earlier in our relationship.

I'm not supposed to fucking be sad for her. I'm not a fucking sensitive person. Why am I acting like this? Why am I so infatuated with this sixteen year old girl? Why am I looking to go to jail, because that's basically what is about to happen, if I keep this obsession up?

I have not reached out to her. I have not asked how she has been. I just disregarded her like all of my other partners I've ever been with. Why should I give a fuck about anyone?

Six months can change someone. Six months can cause someone to turn into a stronger person, or weaker. Six months can make someone mature, or become childish. Six months is half a year.

It's now April. I've turned twenty-six, but has Lilla become seventeen? Not that it makes much of a difference.

All this thinking made my head pound. I decided to drive past Lillas home. I need to check if any lights are on or anything. Fuck what I said about not caring. This girl has become something I cannot get over.

After about twenty minutes of driving to get to her neighbourhood, I pull up a few homes down just so I don't looks suspicious, say she is home.

I walk up to her driveway and up to the front door. I begin to knock, until I slow down and notice a red note pasted on the door. Being my curious self, I start reading it.

This serves as notice that you have been evicted from the premises, effective immediately. Please speak to the home owner about moving your personal belongings. Your presence on this property without permission is a crime and the authorities will be called.

Wow. I sigh and scratch my head. Lillas has gotten evicted. I fucking told her she should come to me for help!

Where the hell could she be now. This is possibly going to worry me for the longest time. For all I know, she could be dead. 

"What are you doing over here?" A female voice startled me. I turned slowly to where the voice was coming from.

"Do you hear me? What are you doing over here?" She repeats herself. She sounds like she's in her forties.

I ignore the voice and continue to look at the eviction notice, as I am absolutely in awe.

The rustling of the grass makes me turn towards the sound again, I'm guessing it's the lady that is pissed off.

I start to turn around to see a blonde woman rush up to me. Her chunky finger pointing straight at me.

"You are not allowed to be here." She yells, while her finger is inches away from my face. I smile and look at her, completely silent.

"Who are you, boy? Do you not speak English?" She starts getting angrier.

"Why should I not be here?" I ask firmly. My voice startles her now, as she steps back. I cross my arms over my chest, clearly annoyed.

"Because this house is not your property. I've never seen you over here before. You need to be somewhere else." I look down to her, and shake my head. She thinks she can try and intimidate me? I scoff and look away.

"Boy, you need to lea-" I cut her annoying voice off.

"Fuck off please." I said calmly. She gasps.

I turned my head towards her. "I said please." She gasps again.

"I'm going to get the police on you!" She yells, and shuffles her body away to her house.

I sigh, and I'm fear that she might actually call the police, I walk over to my car and get in it and leave as fast as I can. I don't need to go to jail again, especially over this stupid thing.

My priorities now are finding Lilla, and I won't stop until I find her. Her presence is needed right now in my life. My mansion isn't doing well being extremely empty. I need her. I need to her. To touch her. To be inside her. To have her. I need to have her fill the void of emptiness that is within me. I will not and can not be content until I find her. It could take ages, but I know that I will have her in my arms soon. Or as soon as I want her to be.

Lilla Mae Evans, you will be reunited with me soon, whether you want to be or not.

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