Chapter 5

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Heyy so sorry sexual people but this chapter is CLEANNNN woohoo.

Annnndd I'm sorry if there's alot of run on sentences but I'm like OCD so I feel the need to, if I can, make the line completely filled. Example:

The sentence was:

Yeah, ok, I ditched school but that was my free pass from trouble.

However, if there were to be a period, trouble would go to the next line so I added more words •__• sorry


Mrs.Howell turns red. "Detention. Both of you."

"But Mrs.Howell, I didn't- I wasn't-" I stutter an excuse.

"Hey! I don't want to hear it! Detention. End of story. Now go." I rush out of the office in tears. How dare Jillian do something like that! I can't believe her and her stupid sassy mind, getting us BOTH in trouble! I did nothing (except for ditch school) and now I'm in detention. Joy. Note the sarcasm. Yeah, ok, I ditched school but that was my free pass from trouble so I technically didn't deserve that. It was all Jillian's fault! Why did I even agree to go with her? Stupid! So stupid that I can't accept my own apology. (A/N: you see what I mean? It was just gonna be "so stupid" but I just couldnt ok.)

"You okay, Kitty?" Jillian seems in a casual mood.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't mind at all that it's COMPLETELY YOUR FAULT THAT I GOT MY FIRST EVER DETENTION!" I burst out.

"Oh- I didn't- I should have known- I'm sorry, Kitty." Jillian's sad excuse for an apology.

I scowl. "You know what, don't even! Don't even try! I don't want to hear you, I don't want to see you. Don't even look at me in stupid detention! Oh and have fun in Senior year again next year!" I yell, and immediatly realise that she's having senior year again with me. "And stop calling me Kitty!

Jillian doesnt seem to notice that I screamed at her. "Hey, don't turn into Mrs.Hellwell on me!" I giggle a tiny bit to Jillian's notice. (A/N: I did again ugh) "Yeah, I've been saving that one." I glare at her and stomp to geometry.


After a grueling day of school, I usually have the blessing of going to either softball or home. But no, I have detention. 2 hours of it. With Jillian. And when I show up I find it is only Jillan and I . Again, joy. To make it more frustrating, well you know how in movies all the teachers at detention are really grumpy and that type of thing? Well they're the same way in real life.

"Hello Jillian. And your name is?" the senior math teacher questions me. Jill is, of course, a regular here. I sit, quiet, for a fair amount of time until I realise I have to answer.

"Oh, um, Zoe. Callpin. Zoe Callpin." I stutter. The teacher looks shocked for a while.

"Well, I've heard good things about you. What possibly got you here?"

I think. Should I blame Jillian? Well, since it was her fault, yes. "Jillian made me ditch school with her."

"I'm right here, Zoe." Jillian still uses her bubbly tone with me. Again, the teacher looks a bit taken aback.

"Well, I have more important things to do. Zoe, don't let Jillian do anything against detention rules, please." I stare at him. "Oh- ok. I guess. Yeah. I mean, I'm totally ok with that. Yeah." I choke out a reply. The teacher leaves the room. Jillian gets up.

"So, whole classroom to ourselves, huh?" She leans against a cabinet.

"Jillian! Sit down!" She laughs in reply.

"You're not really going to inforce the rules, are you?"

"Yes, I am." I say, getting closer to her.

"Really? Loosen up."

"Jillian! This is a classroom! It needs rules! And I have to tell them to you, or else you will just break all of them!" I say, fueling her.

"Then tell me them." She whispers, since we are so close together that we don't even need to talk in normal voices. And I note that she is literally staring into my eyes.

"Ok. Well, there's no talking, texting-"

I am cut off. I don't know what's happening for half a second. I scream. Loud. I didn't have a reaction that would make sense. I just screamed. I needed to.

Jillian pulls her lips off mine. "Shh! Stop screaming!"

"Well, I would be screaming, because you-"

"Don't say it!" she begs.


"Stop!" Tears start welling up.

"You kissed me!"

Jillian falls into my arms in sobs. I awkwardly hug her. "It's ok, um, I guess."

That's when I do something. I don't know what came over me.

"I didn't really mind."


K this is the shortest chapter that's ever existed ever #whoops

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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