Chapter 4

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Before I start this chapter, there is going to be smut in this chapter. You have been warned. If you don't want to read smut, then skip this chapter. I don't want comments saying gross or anything. I warned you.

Paige's P.O.V.

I was shaken awake from a girl named Sophie. 

"Paige, Paige, Paige, we landed in Ireland." Sophie said shaking me.

 I sat up and yawned.

 "I'm up." I said stretching

. I pulled my phone out to see Gen hasn't texted me back. But, someone else did.

From: 408-559-3827 (random made up number)

This is Louis Tomlinson.

I looked at the text like the president of the USA just texted me. I quickly added him to my contacts as Lou queen of ass.

To: Lou queen of ass

Hi Louis this is Paige from Hollister.

From: Lou queen of ass

Yeah, I know I got your number from Gen's phone while she was crying.

To: Lou queen of ass

Oh. well I have to go sorry Louis bye.

I put my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my luggage and headed to the hotel I was staying at.

Gen's P.O.V.

I woke up with my face in Harry's chest. I pulled away from Harry's chest and looked up to be met with green eyes.

 "Hi Handsome." I said. 

"Hi beautiful." Harry said.

 I giggled. 

"God your giggle just turned me on." Harry said quietly. 

"Just you in general turns me on." I said.

 "Is that so?" Harry asked. 

I looked down blushing. Harry lifted my chin and started kissing me. I kissed back. Harry played with the hem of my shirt. I played with his. He pulled my shirt off as I pulled his off. He kissed from my lips down to my neck down to the skin that my bra wasn't covering. Harry moved back up to my neck and found my sweet spot, I moaned as he kissed it. He smirked and sucked on it, making me moan like crazy. Harry bit down making a hickey. My eyes started to water but I still moaned as he kissed the newly formed hickey. Harry kissed all the way down my body to my shorts. He started kissing my stomach as he unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down my legs. I unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his long legs. I kissed his butterfly tattoo softly as he unclasped my bra.  He then kissed down my body to the hem of my panties. He pulled those down and kissed my cl!t. I threw my head back in pleasure. He started moving his tongue along it. I was a moaning mess as Harry ate me out. He pulled his tongue away before I could cum. I was my turn I pushed him back so his back was on the bed and I pulled down his boxers and took his d!ck in my hand and started going up and down. Harry started making a deep groan. I stopped and Harry whimpered. I then took him in my mouth and sucked hard. Right before he was going to cum, I pulled him out of my mouth. Harry pushed my back onto the bed and quickly thrusted into me. I gasped and moaned. Harry was thrusting harder and faster with every moan. 

"I-I'm going to cum!" I shouted shaking in pleasure. 

"Me too Baby girl me too." Harry said. 

I started seeing white as my stomach felt like it was coiling up. I the cummed and then Harry after me. Harry and I collapsed onto the bed breathing heavily. 

"I hope Louis didn't hear." Harry said. 

"OH I HEARD!" Louis yelled.

 I giggled.

Louis' P.O.V
Oh I heard alright. Everything from the bed hitting the wall to Jenna's moans. I pulled out my phone and texted Paige.

To: Paige is super hot
Gen and Harry were just having sex! My ears!

I got an immediate response.

From: Paige is super hot
WHAT!!! No way I'm calling her!!

Paige's P.O.V
I called Jenna hoping for her to pick up. AND SHE DID!! YAY!!
(Gen, Paige)
You and Harry had sex.
Haha who told you
I'm going to kill him.
Not before I kill you!
Thanks I feel so loved now I have to go bye!
*Jenna thinks she hangs up*
Hey Harry want to take a shower with me?
Ok no sex bye. 

*hangs up*

Gen's P.O.V
After I hang up with Paige I turned to Harry

 "Hey Harry want to take a shower with me?" I asked. 

"Sure." Harry said as we got up and went into Harry's bathroom and got into the shower.

Paige's P.O.V.
I quickly called Louis.
(Louis, Paige)
To late.
I swear they are like teenagers!
I agree they keep having sex.
*sigh* tell me about it.
*I hear my name getting called by the director of the play.*
Hey I'm really sorry Lou but I have to go bye.

*hangs up*

Gen's P.O.V.
Harry and I got out of the shower after a quickly and I was starting to miss Paige.

 "Hey Harry can we go see Paige's play in Ireland tomorrow?" I asked. 

Harry smiled 

"of course we can baby girl." Harry said. 

I blushed.

 "I like it when you call me baby girl." I said looking down. 

"Well you are my baby girl." Harry said kissing my head.

 "Let's go tell Lou we are going to Ireland today okay baby girl?" Harry asked. I nodded.

Hey I'm sorry to leave you hanging but I'm supposed to be asleep for school but oh well! Well night! I'll update tomorrow!
Love Y'all!

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