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This world is a filthy place.
A filthy god damn horror show.
But we only get one life, and we just wanna live it.
My names Jai, short for Jaydon.
I'm 17 years old from a town called Axford, Canada. Population of 16,300.
There's not much to do here though, we have a really cool amusement park, but it's always packed with tourist. Everything else is just boring, like tenpin bowling, go karts, pools and the rest is expensive stuff like sky diving and mountain tours, those things are also only done by tourist.
With little to do, I just improvise. I stake around almost everywhere, explore old abandon things and just do whatever I please.
I live with my parents, who fight heaps and my little brother Oscar, he's 8.
My parents don't like who I am, they'd always tell me to change my clothes, not to dye my hair crazy colours, you can't go out and explore new things, you have to do well in school, piercings were not ok and tattoos are a definite No!
And of course, to their luck, I'm the exact opposite of them. Sometimes I wish I was like them, maybe that way we'd get along better. Maybe my parents wouldn't fight so much, most their fights were about me anyway.
But if I were like that I would be so unhappy. Seeing how much I disappoint them always hurts me. Sometimes it even puts me off being who I am. I never wanted to be like this, I just have a free soul I suppose.
I wanna live a life I love, I say what I think, but I think before speak. And I do what makes me happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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