The Café

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(Craig's POV)

Tweek was wearing an apron over his clothes and he had a pad of paper and a pen to take orders with.
"You work here? How? You just moved here."
"My parents own this place."
"Yeah, would you like to order?"
We ordered food and coffee. When Tweek returned, he had an extra cup of coffee.
"What's up with the extra coffee?"
"That's for me. You were the last order of my shift."
"Oh, cool, do you want to sit with us?"
"Really? Sure."
He sat down next to me, I introduced him and my sister to each other, and we had a nice dinner together. Tweek seems more relaxed when he has coffee. After we finished eating, Tweek asked if we could exchange numbers, which we did. I pulled out my wallet, that has Red Racer on it, to pay. Tweek stopped me though. He said that it was on him. That was cool of him. My sister and I said bye to Tweek and started towards home.
"I like your boyfriend."
"Yeah, that guy at the café, I know he's your boyfriend."
"No, he's not."
"But you like him!"
"No I don't, shut up."
Then we flipped each other off at the same time.

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