Day 6

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Day 6


Oh, he came alright. He came after all. I can't believe Matthew Parks even dared to ring the doorbell. Luckily mum was outside putting up the clothes on the rack so she didn't hear it. So this is what happened:

I was on the computer, tweeting and DMing my fans, when suddenly the doorbell rang. I went downstairs to see if anyone was going to answer it. Mum was outside hanging up the clothes and Katherine was baking some cookies so I opened the door. As soon as I opened it, I regretted it at once because there, standing on the front porch, was the one and only Matthew Parks. Boy, he had some guts to actually come around to my house. Guess what he was holding? A bouquet of flowers. A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS! Now, as you would all think, I should be flattered. But I was so disgusted I told him to go away and shut the door right in his face.

"Who was that, Lise?" Katherine asked.

"Oh, just a guy selling his paintings" I said quickly, walking up to my room like it was no big deal.

"Oh, alright. You didn't buy any, did you?"

"Of course I didn't! I'm not that stupid Kath!" I said, laughing.

"Okay, good!" Katherine replied.


"We're back, people!" Lauren and Dani shouted as they came back from swim practice.

"Welcome back, girls! I've baked some cookies" Katherine said.

"They're so delicious! What's the special occassion Kath?" I asked, getting another cookie.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just feeling really happy right now. Probably because in 2 days we're leaving for San Francisco"

"Woohoo! I still need to do some more packing" Dani said.

"Hey girls, do you know where Christina is?" Mum asked as she came into the kitchen. "I haven't seen her today."

"Strange. I haven't seen her either" I said.

"Has anyone seen her?" Mum asked.



"Not today, no"

"Oh my god! Where could she be then?" Mum asked.

"I'll get the phone" Amy said, quickly grabbing the telephone and dialling Christina's mobile.

"What if she ran away? Can someone go check if her clothes and everything are still in her room?" Mum ordered impatiently.

"I'll go," said Lauren. Where was Christina? She had even said that she would not move out with Nick.

After a few moments later, Lauren came back into the kitchen.

"Are her clothes still there?" Mum asked as soon as Lauren came back down.

"Yeah, all of her stuff is still here. But there was a note folded up in her bed. I don't want to read it. I'm scared it's something bad" Lauren said, holding out the note.

"Here, I'll read it" I said, bravely taking the note and unfolding it. Gone for a jog. Be back later. -Christina." it read.

"It says she's gone for a jog and she'll be back later. It's already 12" I said, panicking.

"We need to send a search party" Mum said, her eyes filling up with tears.

"She's not picking up! Guys, let's go look for her!" Amy said.

"Let me drive" I said, taking the car keys.


We had been driving for half an hour but we couldn't find Christina anywhere.

"I think we should call the police now" Lauren suggested.

"Yup, we should" Amy replied.

"God, please tell me Christina is okay" Katherine prayed.

Before we could call 911, mum's mobile rang.

"Hello?" Mum answered, picking it up immediately. "Oh, okay, w-we're coming" she said, turning pale.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Christina's in hospital"


"Christina was run over by a car. She is still alive but she has been seriously injured and she will not be able to get out of the hospital until another 2 weeks" the doctor explained. My heart sank a mile. Our world tour was going to have to be cancelled.


We were still in the hospital.

"Guys, our world tour will have to be cancelled" I said, breaking the long silence.

"About that. do we tell our fans?" Amy asked.

"I don't know"


"Girls, go home now. We'll discuss your world tour tomorrow" Mum said, handing me the car keys.

"Alright" I said, taking the car keys and already making my way out of the hospital.

"Our fans will be so upset" Dani said.

"Oh just keep quiet and stop talking about how our fans would feel after we break the news to them. The whole world does NOT revolve around fans. Christina's health is the most important to us right now!" I shouted. I immediately took that back as soon as I had said it and broke down once we were inside the car.

"I can't believe this is happening to us! I'm so sorry Dani" I said, crying so hard it hurt my chest.

"It's okay" Dani replied.


I couldn't stop crying. My whole life was a mess. Why did bad things have to happen to good people? Life was so unfair. Today was the worst day of my life.

A Week In The Cimorelli Household with Lisa CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now