Chapter 12

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 Chapter 12


Who knew actually talking to a person would make me in such a good mood that I was actually skipping my Lambo at the end of the day.  Freddie was already leaning against the passenger side and, when he saw me coming, he was grinning. 

“So why are we in a good mood right now?” he asked.

“Thank you!” I said, skipping to his side and giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

He laughed.  “For what?”

“What do you mean, for what?” I asked.  “For convincing me to talk to Ian today, that’s what!  God, you don’t know how good it felt!  I’ve wanted to talk to him for weeks now but you were the one to push me to do it.  Oh, and I’m still not happy about you stealing my phone this morning!”

He laughed again.  “You know it was for a good cause,” he said. 

I smiled.  “You’re the best stepbrother in the world, do you know that?”

“Nope, but it’s nice to hear your praise,” he said, grinning back. 

Once we got in my Lambo and pulled out of the school parking lot, I headed for the dance studio.

“I’m going to go to the studio so can you drive my car home?” I asked.

“Sure, but don’t you want me to wait for you.  It would be easier than having to drive all the way back just an hour later,” he said.

“I’ll get a ride from someone else,” I said, smiling. 

“Oh, from Ian?” he said, laughing.  “Is he going to ‘stalk’ you again as you call it?”

“Yep, but I’ve given him permission.”

“Oh, no,” he said, laughing again. 

“Oh, yes,” I said, still smiling. 

When I pulled up to the dance studio, I saw that Ian’s Mercedes was already parked out front.  I smiled as I pulled up next to it and grabbed my bag with my dance clothes in it. 

“I’ll see you later, okay?” I said when Freddie and I both got out and I tossed him my keys. 

“Just call me if your plans change,” he said, sitting in the driver’s seat.

“I will.”

Once he was out of the parking lot, I headed inside.  Michelle – she didn’t want me calling her Mrs. Macpherson anymore since it made her ‘feel old’ – and the receptionist Lindy were in the front. 

“Hi,” I said, walking up to them with a smile on my face. 

“Oh, hello, Charlotte,” Michelle said with a smile lighting up her face.  “I’ve been trying to catch you when you come but you always seem to get away without me noticing or you’re dancing so I don’t want to interrupt you.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.  “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head, laughing.  “Nothing!  I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner.  I know things with you and Ian haven’t been the best…”

Just then, Ian walked in from the hallway leading to some of the bigger rooms for the classes.  He held a cable in his hands. 

“Hey, Mom, do you have any spare audio cables?  Apparently they were having a little too much fun in Amanda’s class and somehow they got ripped from the sound system,” he said, looking over at her.  But then he noticed me standing there with her and he smiled widely.  “Oh, hey, Charlie.”

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