Chapter 15

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The battlefield was a sea of fallen soldiers, some gone, others agonizing pain. The field was covered in blood. It was a sign the Shadows were hard to defeat. And how could they not be if they were made of spells?

Even after the fighters slashed them with their swords, the Shadows always came back together. Stronger, more frightening than before. How could have anyone fought a mist darker than hell, scattering before everyone's eyes, and then coming back to life?

Yet, the Dawn's Fairy didn't look troubled by the sight. She called upon her warriors with firm gestures, and her army split in three, each of the three heading vertiginously towards the place of the battle. The Shadows melted under the flames, darts, and light spears thrown by fairies, a sign that no spell can hold against the magical powers of those creatures. Eliza herself charged, stabbing every Shadow she met, scattering them like a black cloud of ashes. But her power could not make them disappear completely and the Shadows reintegrated immediately. The unexpected help was welcomed with joy by the Prince's army. And with awe and dread by the army of the Shadows, scattered by the powers of the fairies, elves, and other magical creatures who faced the shadows so bravely.

Eliza wondered where Prince Gabriel could be, but it was impossible to find him among thousands of fighters. When all of a sudden, the field went dark and everyone looked towards the sky. Heavy, black clouds covered the sky, and lightning came out of them, blasting away the fearless warriors. In the middle of the dark clouds, there was Witch Guzma, stronger and more atrocious than ever. It looked like her powers had grown stronger, for her appearance had changed. Of course, she was as hideous and wrinkled as ever. But she wasn't a hunched old lady anymore; she was as tall as a tree, covered in ragged clothes made of tar, hovering over the battlefield like an angel of death. Her appearance would have frightened the most fearless knight.

Guzma descended and began to point towards the battling armies with her growing, long limbs. Falling lighting was blasting everyone standing in her way, lining a gap of death right to the middle of the battle. Luckily, Eliza, also in the middle of the battle, was careful to stand out of the way of the lighting. She realised the Witch had a purpose—to make way towards the one she wanted to see dead for so long. Prince Gabriel. She discovered him in the grips of the battle, more bitter and deadly than ever, fighting like a tiger with hundreds of shadows surrounding him. He could see the Witch coming towards him like a storm, destroying everything on her path. At the sight of his most frightening enemy, the Prince threw himself at her in a blink of an eye, aiming to stab his sword in her stone-like chest. The Witch was surprised by his stubbornness in the fight, so she used her powers, vile powers that could not be defended by a mortal. She opened her mouth wide, like an abyss, ready to suck his soul out.

At the terrible scene in front of her, Eliza's heart stopped for a moment and she let out a cry. And the Prince saw her. But so did the Witch. Now, it was too late. Guzma struck him down with a lightning coming out of her staff, and came upon him, grabbing him with her ever-growing hands. Her mouth opened wider; she leaned over him and began sucking the life out of the Prince's chest.

Eliza yelled with all her strength, but her desperate shout could not save the Prince; it attracted even more Shadows upon her. The magical creatures gathered around and, as much as they wanted to save the Prince, the lightning spears of the Shadows kept them away. And slowly the last drop of life was leaving the Prince's body. Then, something happened. Eliza felt her bracelet burning hot. She remembered the words of the prophecy: A spell only by spell can be undone.

At first, nobody realised what was going on. Everyone fighting on the side of the Dark Prince saw the Shadows falling to the ground one by one, without coming back together again. They were dispelled, crumbled by an unseen force. Then, the soldiers heard a song as if coming from another world. The purest heavenly voice they have ever heard. Eliza was marching among hundreds of Shadows, singing like she has never before. And the Shadows scattered around her as black smoke blown off by the wind. Her song blessed everyone with a pure heart, giving them strength and courage. Bleeding wounds were healing like they never existed. Everyone was stunned by the miracle they were witnessing.

When Eliza stepped closer to the Prince, Guzma finally let go of him, turning towards her.

'You fool!' her voice thundered. 'What do you think you are doing? Don't you know this will kill you?'

But Eliza kept on singing. The Shadows were all gone now. The only one left standing was the Witch.

'Silence!' her voice shrieked like the cry of prey birds, so deafening, that everyone covered their years.

Soon, her body began to shrink and her menacing appearance to fade away. The Prince was coming back to life and he managed to stand up; he picked up his sword and pointed it at the Witch.

The Dawn's Fairy along with all the magical creatures surrounded the Witch, striking her with thousands of light arrows. Yet, only Eliza's song made her hunker down even more until finally a horrifying scream shattered her chest and the Witch turned into a pile of slimy ash. Eliza finished her song. She felt the world spinning around her. Then, she fell. The Prince was the first to reach her. The others, simple men, fearless fighters, and magical creatures, stood to the side.

'Forgive me,' whispered Eliza with her last strength. 'Forgive me for not being worthy of a princess. I really thought I could become one. But I am still the humble girl of a miller. I lied to everyone and I am so sorry. So sorry for hiding myself from those who loved me. And I feel worst about hiding myself from you.'

The Prince slowly put her head on his arm and caressed her face.

'There's no need to apologise,' he said in a gutted voice. 'Your kind soul and your bravery make you a princess more worthy than any other in this world. You gave so much kindness, tenderness, and love and this makes you the best princess my people has ever seen.'

Tears were coming down his face, 'Please, don't die!'

Eliza smiled. She knew, at least, her people were safe and those dear to her were to live in peace. She knew the Prince truly forgave her. The Prince loved her. Weren't those the best things in the world worth dying for? For the last time, she looked at him.

And then, her soul took off. And flew away high, high above, lighter than a feather, curling around in a whirl of warm light.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I would like to know what do you think about the battle scene. Was it realistic enough? Dramatic? How would you describe it? Can't wait for your comments and thoughts!

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