My Everything.
You’re not here anymore,
How could you leave me so soon?
I thought we were together forever,
But you proved me wrong.
I loved seeing you smile, seeing you laugh,
Talking on the phone and in person,
You were my everything,
Everything I needed, wanted.
You loved to dance, to sing and joke,
You fought for what was right,
Made people love you, need you,
Now you’re gone, what will we do?
You were interesting, funny, loving,
You took care of me, were proud and happy
You would do anything.
When I lost you, I was broken.
Who would stand up for me,
Give me advice and help me through,
I didn’t know what to do,
Who to talk to, you left me in a lurch.
I got through it, but I will never get over it,
You left me and I forgive you,
I can’t do anything else,
But there is something you need to know.
I will never forget you.
I will never stop loving you.
I will never stop thinking about you.
You were my everything.