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You woke up in the middle of a room, the room being dark apart from the part you were laying, the middle of a bed of flowers.
Where am I?
You thought to yourself, sitting straight.

Still confused by everything you started walking towards the right, after a few seconds you saw a green patch of grass, with a flower on it, it was a yellow flower with a smile on their face.

*Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren't cha?

The flower said. You just stayed still and listened to the flower speak. Something seemed familiar.

*Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!
*I guess little old me will have to do.
*Here we go!

The flower stopped talking for a bit. You felt like you had met this flower before but continued to listen to them speak.

*See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!

You noticed some light shining on your chest, forming a red heart.

*Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV.
*What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course!

You tapped on the heart, it didn't move.

*You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share with you!

I know this...

You thought to yourself taking a few steps backwards.

*Down here, LOVE is shared through... Little white... "Friendliness pellets."
*Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!

The flower exclaimed moving "Little white Friendliness pellets" towards the heart.
You dodged them.

*Hey buddy, you missed them.
*Let's try again, okay?

He restarted. You dodged.

*Is this a joke? Are you braindead? RUN. INTO.  THE. B̶U̶L̶L̶E̶T̶S̶!̶!̶!̶  friendliness pellets.

Flowey  send them towards you again. You dodged.

Their face changed, terrifying.

*You know what's going on here, don't you? 
*You just wanted to see me suffer.

You took a step back.


Flowey laughed hysterically in the background and the pellets surrounded you again. Moving closer.
You knew what would happen next.

The pellets disappeared, the flower ah'd and soon got blown away.
That lady came into view.

*What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...
*Ah, do not be afraid, my child.

The mere sight of her caused you to cry.
You cried all those tears you couldn't cry before, when you didn't have the time or didn't have the heart. It seemed like this time will be different.
I swear it will be

*It must have shocked you, falling into the UNDERGROUND at such a time.
*Worry not, my child, I will take you somewhere save.

You fell to your knees and cried.
The lady helped you up, hold your hand and walked you through the scenery, you were crying all the time and couldn't move.

When you arrived at, what you assumed to be, her house, she laid you on a bed and tucked you in.

*Tell me, for no reason in particular, which do you prefer?

*Cinnamon or butterscotch?

You answered cinnamon and gave the whole explanation as to why. In your head of course, you weren't that talkative.

*Oh, I see.
*Thank you very much!
* I will come back to this later, for now get some sleep.

She left the room, you were alone in here now.

You looked around the room, but, before you had any time to actually process any of it, she walked back in through the door and kneeled next to the bed to be on your eye level.

*You do not DISLIKE butterscotch, do you?
*I know what your preference is, but...
*Would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate?
*Right, right, I understand.  

She got up and walked towards the door again. 

*Sorry for the wait, by the way.

She opened the door and left the room again.

You got off of the bed and moved around, there  were stuffed toys against the wall and a drawing of a yellow flower on the wall, of course, there were also things you usually find in a room, like a lamp, but these aren't  important enough to tell you about.

You walked around the room a few times.

I never actually got to go here, did I?
You walked towards the lamp and tugged the string. The light turned off and the room got dark.

It seemed that one lamp was lighting up the whole room.
The dim lighting made you sleepy so you walked back to the bed and laid under the covers.

You fell asleep right away.

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