Epilogue End - The Point Where it Breaks

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Raven surveyed the team. They were a mess. 

Ruby and Weiss were severely injured, Yang and Anton were traumatized by Ruby's condition.

They couldn't fight.

"Blake!" She shouted to the only vaguely combat ready member "Get your team to safety!"

Blake begun to protest, but she was drowned out by the echoing roar of the grimm - they were almost here.

"Don't worry about me-" Raven readied her weapon and faced the tunnel. Her eyes narrowed. "I've got this". She refused to let the city of Vale fall to the grimm. She refused to let this city become another Mountain Glenn. 

Blake nodded, she scooped up Weiss and called to the others.

"Ruby..." Anton shook his head. No. He would not let her die. He held her small limp body in his arms and turned to follow Blake.

Yang wiped the tears from her eyes. She paused for a moment, considering helping Raven, but she couldn't. She couldn't fight, or even think straight while her sister was in this condition. They had to get her to a hospital - and fast.

Raven heard the footsteps of team RWBY as they ran into the city. Her hands begun to shake as she saw glowing eyes emerging from the tunnel.

Vale was both the name of the kingdom and the name of its capital city. It stood proudly on the coast, protected by water on the north and west sides. A river ran through the middle of the city and all the way to Beacon academy at the back. To avoid confusion people in Raven's day mostly just called the city Beacon.

Jaune of Team JNPR stood victoriously over the dead Ursa Major. His team, like RWBY, were still in the academy. Jaune was the leader, but he didn't understand why. He had lied to get into Beacon. When he joined the academy he had little aura. No semblance. No skill. Just his grandfather's sword and a dream of being a hero. That had changed recently. His teammate, Pyrrha had managed to unlock his potential. With a little training he would be able to hold his own on the battlefield. Maybe, just maybe, he could become a hero after all.

Jaune was fairly tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a black hoodie and jeans with a white chest-piece - another family heirloom - over the top.

"Oh Jaune" Weiss ran up to him and embraced him firmly "you're my hero".

Jaune smiled and held the icy huntress close. He moved in for a kiss.

His eyes closed and he felt her tongue in his mouth. It was warm, wet and the best feeling he had ever felt. After a few moments they parted lips and he opened his eyes.

"Oh Jaune" Pyrrha, his teammate, was suddenly in front of him. There was no sign of Weiss.

Pyrrha was famous, not that Jaune knew. She was at the top of her class in Sanctum academy when she graduated, winning the Mistral regional tournament four times in row - her face was even on a cereal box!

Pyrrha's hair was long and red, tied in a pony tail. She stood tall, but a little shorter than Jaune. Her eyes were a vivid green. Pyrrha wore a tight fitting brown strapless top with gold trimmings, gauntlets and thigh-high golden leg armour and a very short skirt. Extremely short. Her weapon of choice was a spear - one that could transform between a spear, sword or rifle - and a golden shield. Pyrrha had a crush on Jaune. Of all the people she had met he was the first to treat her like a normal girl and not some kind of celebrity.

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