Because I'm Evil....

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This chapter is for all my little werewolf pups who have read the story and stuck with it. I love you all *hands out little stuffed black wolves*

"But Alpha-" "Derek." Derek cut Jackson off. All wolves blinked. "But Derek, you were so close." Jackson couldn't wrap his mind around it. "After all this time," Lydia laid a soft, tender hand on Derek's tense shoulders. "You finally learned how to love." Erica perked up. "That's it then! That should break the spell!" She hopped a bit in her excitement. "That's not enough. He has to love him in return." Lydia purposely avoided Stiles' name to not further upset the Alpha. She shooed the wolves out and closed the door. Derek sat up and sighed. Every time he inhaled, he could smell Stiles. The halls sounded empty without Stiles' laughter. He's worse than nicotine. Derek thought as he stood up. He watched Stiles leave on Peter's back. He felt suffocated and something built up within his chest, escaping in a roar of sorrow and anger.

"Papa?" Stiles screamed out in the wind. "Papa?" He yelled again until he heard a moan. John was face down in a snowbank. Stiles helped him up. "Stiles?" He asked weakly. "It's me Papa. Let's get you home."

Chris was still waiting outside the Stilinski house, snow turning him into a snow man. He wiped at his watering eyes. "Come on Dad. Just up the steps." He heard Stiles' gentle voice. He ducked down and watched Stiles and John walk into their house. They're back! Finally! Chris thought as he ran to find Kate.

John was on his bed, wrapped tightly in their warmest blankets. Stiles was brewing tea in the teapot above the fire, using a special blend Lydia taught him. His heart gave a small pang as he saw the silver wolf ring but he ignored it. "Stiles." John groaned. "It's alright, Dad. I'm home." John pushed off the blankets and drew Stiles into a hug. "I thought I'd never see you again." John began to cry in Stiles' shoulder. "I missed you so much." Stiles said as he clung to his dad. "But the beast. How did you escape?" John asked as he held Stiles out at arms' length. "I didn't escape. He let me go Dad." John was confused. "We are both talking about the same horrible beast with black fur and canines as big as my fingers right?" Stiles laughed. "Yes, but he's different now. He's...changed somehow." Stiles' face gained a dreamy quality and he touched at his lips with his hand. "Where did you get that?" John asked as he examined Stiles' ring. "Oh! That. He gave it to me." John looked up at his son in surprise. "Stiles, this is real silver." Before Stiles could reply, there was a knock at the door. Stiles ushered his father to bed and went to answer the door. "Oh, Mr. Deaton! How can I help you?" Stiles smiled at the bookshop owner/doctor. "I have come to collect your father Stiles." Stiles saw the wagon for the insane asylum. "My father?" Deaton put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll take good care of him." Stiles stopped Deaton from entering the house. "My father's not crazy." Chris ran to the front of the crowd so he was by Deaton's side. "He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him, didn't we?" The crowd yelled, "Yeah!" Deaton again tried to push the young man but playing with wolves had given Stiles some muscle. "I won't let you." John walked up to the front. "Stiles?" Chris took the opportunity to pounce. "Hey, John. Tell us again, old man, just how big the beast?" John struggled, knowing that this was a lost battle. "Well, he is, uh, enormous. I'd say at least eight, no, more like ten feet." Stiles mentally slapped his forehead. More like around six feet, Dad. The crowd laughed at John who cowered into his home. "Well, you don't get much crazier than that." Chris said smugly. "It's true, dammit!" John yelled. Two muscled men shoved Stiles aside and grabbed John at Deaton's orders. "Let me go you bastards!" John screamed. Kate watched her plan unfold from the sidelines. "You can't do this!" Stiles screeched at Deaton as he tried to fight to get to his dad. Kate walked up to him, tsking. "Poor Stiles. It's a shame about your father." She said coolly, examining her nails. "Kate, you know he's not crazy." Stiles stated. "I might be able to clear up this little misunderstanding if..." Stiles dreaded the next word out of Kate's mouth. "If what?" He growled. "IF you marry me." Kate grinned, knowing that Stiles was trapped. "WHAT?!" Stiles yelled. "It's just one little word Stiles. That's all it takes to stop this." Stiles frowned and snarled, "Never!" Kate was disappointed. "Well, have it your way." She slowly sauntered to the wagon where his father was being thrown in the back. "Let me go! STILES!" Stiles ran back in the house and looked frantically for the knapsack Derek had given him. He grabbed the mirror from inside and ran back out. The crowd was cheering as the door closed. "WAIT!" The crowd looked back at the young man with a slight wild look in his eyes. "My father's not crazy and I'll prove it!" He looked down at the mirror. "Show me the beast!" The mirror shown green and revealed a depressed Derek in his room surrounded by the pack. Stiles hesitated for a brief second before showing the mirror to the crowd. "Is it dangerous?" A woman asked as she clutched her young child to her bosom. "No, he'd never hurt anyone. I know he looks vicious but he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend." Stiles tried to reassure her. Kate walked up to him. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for this monster." Kate said, suspiciously. But she didn't know better. Stiles knew he did love Derek but if he said so now, nothing would help. "He's no monster, Kate. You are!" Stiles screamed, pointing in Kate's face. Kate grew pissed. "He's as crazy as the old man!" She grabbed the mirror from Stiles' hands. "The beast will make off with your children! He'll come after them in the night." Stiles reached in vain for the mirror. "NO!" The crowd gasped. "We're not safe til his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the beast!" The crowd cheered, "Kill him!", since it was common knowledge that Kate was one of the best hunters. "We're not safe until he's dead." One of Kate's lackeys said. "He'll come stalking us at night!" said another. "Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!" The same woman said as she hugged her child. "He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!" Her husband yelled. "So it's time to take some action, boys it's time to follow me!" Kate threw a torch from the wagon into a haystack, creating a bonfire. "Through the mist, through the woods, through the darkness and the shadows. It's a nightmare but it's one exiting ride!" Kate began to prance around like a drunken leprechaun. "Say a prayer then we're there at the drawbridge of a castle and there's something truly terrible inside." She began to chase her brother, cruelly mocking a monster. "It's a beast. He's got fangs, razor sharp ones. Massive paws. Killer claws for the feast." The mirror still showed the face of Derek and it was clear that Kate was over exaggerating his features. Stiles protested but no one paid any attention. "Hear him roar, see him foam, but we're not coming home til he's dead, good and dead, kill the beast!" Kate continued to lie. "No, I won't let you do this!" Stiles wrenched the mirror from Kate's hands, cradling it gently. "If you're not with us, you're against us. Bring the old man!" Kate took the mirror back and the goons brought John to Kate who then threw the two Stilinskis down their own basement and bolted the door shut. We can't have them running off to warn the creature!" Stiles slammed his body against the door. "Let us out!" He screamed. "We'll rid the village of this beast. Who's with me?" Kate roared. A chorus of "I am!" came from the crowd. "Light your torch, mount your horse. Screw your courage to the sticking place." Kate roared as she mounted her horse. "We're counting on Kate to lead the way! Through the mist, to the woods where within a haunted castle, something's lurking that you don't see every day!" The crowd chanted as Kate led the mob through the town to roaring applause. When they reached the forest, they began to cut down trees in preparation. "It's a beast, one as tall as a mountain. We won't rest til he's good and deceased! Sally forth, tally ho, grab your sword, grab your bow. Praise the Lord and here we go!" The lies and rumors filled the crowd like wildfire. "We'll lay siege to his castle and bring back his head!" Kate screeched.

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