Exploring beginnings

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"Breakfast is ready Kate." Scott shouted from the kitchen. "What do you mean breakfast is ready, mom left for work like an hour ago?" I responded as I ran down the stairs. "I know I cooked breakfast"

I finally arrived in the kitchen to see two plates of bacon, eggs, and toast. "Okay what did you do with my brother and who really made this food?" I said with a sassy tone. "Ha ha very funny, now hurry and eat, Stiles will be here in like ten minutes."

We both ate in silence and just as we finished we heard a car horn from outside. So we both ran outside.

-----Stiles POV------

I honked my horn to let them know I was there and waited. After about thirty seconds I saw Kate walk out the front door. She looked amazing, as usual. She had long wavy brown hair and was wearing a white dress with a brown jacket.

"Hey Stiles" she said with a smile. "Hey Kate you look pretty!" I mentally slapped my self for how ridiculous the words that just came out of my mouth sounded.

"Um....thanks." she said looking a little confused and then jumped in the back seat of my Jeep.

Just before I had the chance say any thing else stupid Scott hopped in the passenger seat and we did our signature hand shake. "You two really still do that stupid hand shake?" Kate said from the back seat. Scott and I looked at each other, we had been friends so long we could talk without talking. We had a look for almost any thing and we could just always tell what each other meant.

We both turned around and both gave Kate a death stare, which totally freaked her out. "Okay gosh I'm sorry!" she said with an upset tone. Scott and I turned around softly laughing at her. Then I backed out the drive way and headed toward school.

--------Kate POV--------

We finally got to school and I hurried Scott so I could get out, not wanting to be in Stiles Jeep any longer. "Gosh someone's in a hurry." I heard Scott mumble. I turned around sticking my tongue out at him, I then walked in side heading to my locker. Why was Stiles acting weird? I mean I kinda liked him but there was no way I could go out with my brothers best friend!

Well he wasn't really my biological brother, my real mother died during my birth and my dad had died from lung cancer when I was two. My father and Scott's mom were really close friends so she took me in when I was three and I've lived with her and Scott ever since. I called her Mom and Scott brother because I didn't know any other way to see it. I mean they were my family and we never really saw it differently.

I snapped out of my day dream when I arrived at my locker. After getting my books I walked to first period, I took a seat behind Stiles like I usually did. I loved sitting behind him, we talked most of class and helped each other when needed. On the plus side he always smelled sooooo good! It wasn't a Cologne, but just the smell of him.

Stiles turned around smiling at me and I couldn't help but to smile back. "Hey can I get my pen?" He asked just like every other morning. "Yeah of course" I answered. I always had Stiles pen in my purse since he could never keep up with one. "Here you go." I said with a smile. I then made the mistake of looking into Stiles eyes, and not looking away.

He had light brown Caramel colored eyes with dark brown flecks, that I've always loved. I handed him the pen with out breaking the stare, which he didn't break either.

Out of no where Mr. Smith started calling role which startled Stiles and I, causing him to jump and quickly turn around, while I blushed a little.

After school finally ended I really wanted to get home, so I could sort everything out in my head. I didn't want to ride home with Stiles, so got a ride home with Allison, whom I had gotten pretty close with. We are five minutes into the ride and she decides to break the silence before I can.

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