Chapter One: A Chance Meeting

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"Who can tell me the one to spit up Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon?"

A chubby man probably in his late thirties stood at the front of the class. He had short, brown curly hair and brown eyes.

The class was silent. Some students looked around the classroom in hopes of finding an answer.

"Their mom was the first." a young man blurted out.

The class laughed for a good minute. "Maxwell!" the teacher yelled "another out burst from you and you are out of my classroom!" The teacher seemed so furious that he could tear the building down with his pinky. "Do you understand!?"

"Yes Mr. Garrison-Burg. It won't happen again. I promise."

Maxwell was a 17 year-old senior that went to Clark High School and was quite popular. While holding a 3.7 GPA, he plays football for his school sometimes for as an after school curriculum. After football practice, he'll go down to the gym and spar with people he finds interesting to test his fighting skills. He'll do that for about two hours and go home.

He has silvery gray hair that that covers his right eye; they were a beautiful shade of gray that the ladies loved. He wears a red pendant around his neck all the time and a black shirt. He has a tattoo on his right arm going down his side and peach skin.

As the bell sounded, the students were dismissed for the last class of the day. "HEY MAX! WAIT UP!" He heard a familiar voice and turned to see his best friend Roderick running his way. He was another average teen with the same attitude and behavior as Maxwell.

Roderick had spiky black hair, sharp jawline and a goatee with a silver ear rings along with his caramel skin. He's one of the popular kids and cool with everyone. He's the one usually keeping others spirits up.

"Aye bro, you going to that party tonight? I heard all the bitches gone be there. And the weed supposed to be strong. It's gone be popping since R.J. hosting. You in?"

"Nah. I'm just gonna chill at home tonight. I'll see ya later."

"Alright bro. I'll text you later."

They both parted ways and headed to class.

Maxwell's class was on the top floor so he was in little of a hurry, trying not to be late. As he headed down the hall, he noticed a kid being bullied. He wanted to just keep walking, but remembered what his mother had told him before she left for work two years ago, You must always help those who need it. This is your duty.

There were two guys demanding money from this kid. This kid looked weird, like he just came from the forest studying animals or something. He was about the same height of the average 17 year-old and scrawny. Not the type to be fighting to muscular jocks.

"Give us your money bitch! Or we'll put you 6ft under!" The jock was holding the kid by his left shoulder. He was tan with brown hair. He looked fat, but that was just muscle stacked upon muscle. Dude was like a body builder. His name was Cecil.

The other jock was Marvell. He was a little smaller, not as buff and was looking through the kids back pack. He had a dark complication and a small afro. He wore a silver chain and his football jersey. #5 the "Bone Crusher".

Cecil had punched the kid in the gut, making the kid fall to his knees holding his stomach in pain. Before he could get another hit, Maxwell intervened.

"Hey guys. Stop and leave him be. He obviously doesn't have what you want."

Cecil turned and was gonna say what had seemed like some very mean fighting words. Before he got his words out, he saw Maxwell. "Oh, it's you. We'll leave him alone for now, but after school, we kicking this kids ass."

"Fine by me. Whatever you do after school doesn't matter to me. As long as it's not in school."

Cecil walked off and Marvell shoved the kid out the way.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you I'd be in the bathroom cleaning up my own blood."

"No problem." Maxwell handed the kid his backpack and was walking to class.

"Wait!" the kid said loudly enough to reach Maxwell's ear "I didn't catch your name."

"It's Maxwell, but some people call me Max for short."

"I'm Brian. They've been doing this for about 4 days now."

"That sucks. You know you don't have to fight those guys after school. You're not exactly the type to, you know, be fighting."

Brian gave out a slight chuckle. "It's all good. I have to stand up to them eventually. Just make sure your their after school."

And with that the two parted ways.

It was after school, and people gathered, waiting for the fight. Cecil and Marvell were getting inpatient.

"Were the fuck is this kid at!" Marvell yelled out.

Within the crowd, Brian appeared. "Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. I had to finish an assignment. So are y'all ready?"

Cecil let out some sort of war cry and ripped his shirt off. Muscle stacked upon muscle is not the type of body you wanna see before you fight. "Ok. Let's get this started."

"I hope your fighting skills are better than your GPA."

Marvell laughed and got ready to charge. "You ready motherfucker?"

"How'd you know I was fucking your mother?"

The crowd laughed from the joke.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Marvell rushed at Brian and Cecil followed.

Max had front row seats and watched. Cecil was quick, but all that muscle slowed him down, but if he hit you, it's like 100 pounds of water falling on your chest.

Marvell was little weaker, yet his hits were like lightning. Now, don't get me wrong, Marvell was strong. He benched about 350.

Brian was dodging and blocking punches for his life. After about 30 seconds, Marvell landed a gut punch, allowing Cecil to capitalize and get a good shot to the face. "You're quicker than you look. I'm impressed." Marvell popped his knuckles and got ready.

Brian got up and rushed them. He was on the attack and was doing pretty well. He kicked Cecil in the gut and head bud Marvell. "This fight is over now."

The two laughed and recovered. "This fight is just starting bitch." Cecil rushed him.

Max noticed that Brian's eye color had changed to purple.

Brian fell to the ground, his nose now bleeding.

Cecil had a busted lip and a bruised left eye while Marvell looked fine, but you could tell he was tired.

As Cecil rushed in again, he stopped and froze. He noticed Brian's eyes and couldn't stop looking. He soon fell to the ground screaming MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!

"What the hell did you do to him!?" Marvell started freaking out. The crowd was hush and Cecil still screamed. Teachers tried to force themselves through, but had no luck.

"Like I said, this fight is over."
Brian rushed Marvell and in a matter if seconds, Marvell was on the ground, face bloody.

School police broken through the crowd and everyone scatted. Max rushed to his bus to see that Brian rides it too. The bus was silent. Max had invited Brian to his house. Little after everyone was settled, the bus was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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