Chapter 6

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A girl

Morgan's POV

Oh my gosh I'm going to have a girl. I'm so excited. I wish I was going to have a boy and a girl. But I think at the age of fifteen, I'm good to start out at one. At me and Hunters house, there is a second master bedroom across from our which is a super big one, that will be our daughters room. Me and Hunter are going shopping tomorrow for the babies room. We know what we want. We want a cherry wood crib, a white rocking chair, a big pink fuzzy rug, a bunch of picture frames to put in ultrasound pictures, we want wall quotes, big wooden letters to speed out her name on her big blank wall. We want a pink soft moving chair with a. Foot rest, and a bunch of other stuff.

Hunters POV

Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm going to have a baby girl. Im so excited, I'm going shopping tomorrow with Morgan for the baby, but she knows what she wants, so I'm going to let her pick it out. If I picked it out it would look terrible.

Me and Morgan have picked out a name before we knew the gender, the Babies name will be Alisha Brooke Rowland. We decided to use Rowland, because I will be apart of the babies life. Also sin e all the paper work will be simpler. My mom has done a lot of paperwork, so when we are doing paperwork she can use the last name name Rowland. We arn't married. When we do get married, her last name will legally be Rowland.

Once we were done with her room, it was perfect. Everything looked perfect. Alisha will love her room. Also, so we get better sleep at night we got her a memory foam bed for her crib. We don't know if it will help her sleep more, but we're hoping.

Morgan's POV

I have decided to do online school. Hunter is already home schooled, but will do online school to. It will be very helpful. I'm hoping to have a baby shower. I think I need one. Me and Hunter have been talking about throwing one for ourselves. Kinda sounds selfish, but I've seen tons of people do it. Me and Hunter went to the store this morning and got about 40 packs of diapers, just so we won't run out.

I'm so excited for this baby. I am five months now. So when I'm seven months pregnant. Then that is me and Hunters one year anniversary. Me and Hunter just plan on getting takeout, and coming home and watching a romantic movie. I can't believe I've been dating the man of my dreams for ten months now.  Me and Hunter are excited for this baby. We have everyone supporting us, and we have saved a lot of money for this baby. Hunters mom said she would chip in if we ever fall behind.

We have a roof over or head for free, much support, money, love, and much more.

Hunters POV

I can't wait for this baby, she is now six months along, and I'm stocked, k only have to wait three more months till I get to meet my daughter. Hopefully she will take after her mom and have the most beautiful hair ever, long and natural ombre, and take after my eyes, blue. I want her to have Morgan's moth, and my nose. I want her fingers to be shaped like little carrots just like Morgan's were till she was eight. I want her to be exactly like us.

Me and Morgan have been talking about our babies future, we decided that whatever happens, happens, and if she does end up getting pregnant at fifteen like we did, then we will support her, because we don't want her to miss out on a wonderful opportunity that we are experiencing. This is by far the best decision I have made other than Morgan.

Morgan's POV
Today is me and Hunters one year anniversary, he is going to pick up Italian food, and we got a really romantic movie on Netflix to watch. I love him so much, and I couldn't live my life without him.

Hunters POV

Today is our one year anniversary. I love her so much, and couldn't imagine my life without her, she means so much to me, she doesn't even know how much. I wish our child will find live like we did. But sometimes love is blind, and it was never blind for me and Morgan. We always knew we loved each other, just weren't together when we did know. I don't regret a single moment with her, or a single thing we did. Such as have a baby together. I can't wait for Alisha to come out. I want to be a great father. Yeah when me and Morgan started dating I didn't imagine our one year anniversary to have her seven months pregnant, but now I would t have it any other way, and I could t imagine my life any other way. Also earlier today as a surprise, I went and got Alisha a big teddy bear, the same one I got Morgan for our five month  anniversary for her room as a memory.

Morgan's POV

I'm not eight and a half months pregnant, and I just wen ti to labor........

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