Chapter 3

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        I wake up the next morning at five in the morning. I'm not really a morning person, but because I went to bed so early, I woke up early. I realize I had to go to school today and I roll my eyes. I'm going to try and stay unnoticed so I don't have to deal with anyone. I'm not afraid to speak my mind so not talking to anyone will not get me in to any sort of trouble, and I don't want people asking about my parents.

       I hop in to the shower deciding to get an early start on the day. I stand in there for a half an hour to kill time. I then get out and brush my teeth and hair, and then go to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decide on wearing a flowy tank-top that said "stressed, depressed, but well dressed." on it. I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and some black and white Jordan's. I then blow dried my hair and straightened it, throwing on a black beanie as well. I walked down the stairs and no one was there. Maya was either at work or still sleeping, I'm not sure. I use some more of my pancake batter to make myself some more pancakes, and then I sit at the kitchen table and dig in. After eating I look at the time on my phone and see that it's only seven in the morning so I still have an hour to do stuff. I look up the direction to my new school on my phone once I realize I had no idea where I was going. The drive was only ten minutes so I decided to leave a half an hour early in case I got lost or had motorcycle problems. With a half hour until I had to leave, I walked outside and just sat on the front porch, looking around my new neighborhood. I saw Damon next door leaving with a girl that was super pretty. She had short brown hair and probably could me a model. They were clinging on to each other like those nasty couples that can't keep there hands off each other though.

       I decide to head to school and experience my first day. I pulled in and hopped off of my motorcycle. I got a few stares but I was expecting that considering I was new and it was about three fourths of the way through the school year. I walked in to the front doors and the office was immediately to the right so I had no issues finding it. I walk in to see a woman in probably her early fourty's and on the table it read Ms. Conrad. I guess she was the receptionist. I walk up and politely ask for my schedule.

"Hi! I'm new here and I'm supposed to pick up my schedule." I say with a smile on my face.

"Ahh yes, you must be Brittany Leila? Correct?" She replies.

"Yep." I say thanking her before beginning to walk out of the door.

"Wait!" She says, making me turn around. "Your locker is down the hall to the left and the number and combo is on the paper in the top right. Also your first class will be further down that hall on the right!"

"Thank you!" I reply, glad for her help.

I walk out of my office and head to where she said my locker was supposed to be. I look at the sheet of paper in my hand and see that my locker number is 601. I find the locker and enter in the code also written on the sheet and throw my bag in it. My first class is Math so I grab the textbook they gave me and a journal, along with some writing utensils. I trudge to my class not excited for Math at all even though I was pretty good at it. I walk in and she assigns me a seat next to a girl who was also really pretty. She had Long brown hair and a smile that could light up a room. We make small talk throughout the class and she seems pretty chill and trying just to survive like me.

    I finish off the rest of my day alright. I had Damon in a few of my classes and figured out he played girls like they were a game of poker. Uck! Why are the hot guys always the worst!  I think to myself. I don't think he noticed me because he was surrounded by so many girls. That's good I guess, I won't have to deal with him even though he seems like a nice guy besides his player ways. I walk back to my locker and grab my stuff to leave. On the way out I'm stopped by Kara. The girl I met in Math. She asks me for my number and I give it to her because we were already pretty good friends. We shared many interests like bands and style.

        I finish my journey to my beloved motorcycle and drive myself to Arby's to get something to eat, and then to home. I finish off my day by doing my homework, which I didn't have a lot of because I think they decided to go easy on me, seeing as it was my first day. I then watched YouTube ate dinner. (Which I ordered pizza because I didn't feel like cooking and Maya was never there too cook.) It was pretty much my own house since she was never there. I kind of enjoyed it though! I then went back upstairs, changed into some pajamas (some booty shorts and a tank-top) and watched Netflix until I fell asleep. I'm not sure if I was looking forward to school again tomorrow, it wasn't terrible since I made a friend but somethings just not sitting quite right in my stomach. It might be the pizza.

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