this is everything that has happened it is my story and one scars that will never go away.well i want to start off by saying hello and tis will be about y i did a certain ting that i did or am doing. it was reeally hard and i was so confused and i just cant keep this bottled up inside me anymore. i ...................................................self harm.
i know some of yall may do it but this is really hard for me. i really hate my life sometimes adn i just didnt know what to do anymore. yall know those sport shorts like the nike ones that have a pocket in the inside of them.well, i keep my blade in there and whevever i need it i get it and i wont have to put it in a spot where my parents will have to see it. i always have it with me. so far i have only cut about 3 times and it was very thin to be exact. the bad part is that i dont even know how to tell my best friend
its a really scary feeling but the pain felt really reliving and good. i wrote a note to myself one night it was about 3:45 in the morning. the note stated about how i wanted to swelf harm adn it just has all my secrets in there.the next day which 1 i will never forget this day it was june 7,2013 is the day that i started self harming.