To say there was a beginning is to lie. They have always been there. Watching, waiting. But even a patience as great as theirs has a limit. Eventually, they had to act. And they did.
They created the five Forest Races. Each uniquely connected to the forests. Each with a completely different gift—and a completely different curse. Five, one for each of the fingers of the human hand that was slowly killing the life of the planet. The Forest Races. Together, they could do the impossible.
The deed was done. The choice made. It was time to see the results.
So, the Tall Trees watched and waited again. Hoping for the impossible.
Chapter One
Olivia knocked on the door and poked her head inside. “You said you wanted to see me. Is this a bad time?”
Her friend, Paula Olsewski glanced up from her computer screen. “It’s a perfect time. Come on in and close the door,” she added with a grin.
The grin was reassuring. Paula had icy blue eyes. She was one of Olivia’s closest friends but that cold stare could intimidate even her.
“I’ve got good news for you,” Paula continued. “I’ve just come from a meeting with Michael O’Brien and he’s finally decided on our exchange program.”
Olivia held her breath. She had been hoping, hoping and hoping. This could mean her position with the board would become permanent.
“Well, he’s decided on…you doing it!” Paula beamed.
Olivia couldn’t hold back a smile of delight. “Oh, I’m so glad!”
Paula nodded in agreement. “I know you hated the classroom. You freeze in front of the students, right?”
Olivia nodded. She couldn’t go back in the classroom. She got stage fright in front of a group of people. How she had missed that little fact before she went to Teacher’s College was a mystery that ate away at her. “Yes. I can’t go back. The kids were great…but I was a mess,” she admitted. “And Michael O’Brien, the superintendent, agreed to this?” She didn’t want to get excited unless the news was a certainty.
“He did, though I did push a little. He’s impressed with your work so far.”
“Wonderful. Where’s the exchange? Is it China, like we thought?”
“Actually…that was a bit of a surprise.” Paula’s eyes lit up with enthusiasm. “You’re not going to believe your luck! It’s not with another country at all.”
“What? I don’t understand.”
“They want you to set up the exchange with Viddion, the annax city…”
A rush of white noise drowned out Paula’s words. Olivia didn’t hear much past the original name. She gripped the sides of her chair hard and tried to remain present. Viddion…
Blood inching forward covering the hardwood floor, staining the rug, clinging to her hands. The sweet, metallic scent of it thick in the air, clogging her throat, making her gag.
She had a lot of practice at shoving the past away but it still took all her willpower to leave the memories where they belonged. When she resurfaced, it was to hear Paula’s voice as though coming from a long tunnel.
“Can you believe it? Everyone wants to meet the elusive annax and you actually get to. That strength of theirs, the mystery surrounding their abilities, they’re so mysterious! And you get to go and stay with them!” Her smile widened. “I’m so jealous!”
Olivia's Choice
RomanceWhen her boss asks her to complete a project that takes her back to the annax city, Olivia’s lifelong avoidance of the race comes to an abrupt end. The last thing she needs is the arrogant son of the annax leader as a co-worker. Unfortunately, that’...