ch.2 The Coup Begins

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Kate was awakened in the middle of the night by a rustling noise. Sitting up she discovered Archer gathering his things. "Where are you going?" she whispered quietly as she went over to him. 

"Wait until the others wake up then have everyone leave here and never come back," he told her. "Go hide in the Highlands or across to France."

"What?" her voice squeaked slightly. "Tell me where you are going."

"The Prince is camped at Nottingham. I'm going to turn myself in. All of you need to leave." Kate stood and stared at him in disbelief.  He paused only a moment then turned to leave.  Kate followed.

"I'm going with you?" she called after him.

"No, you're not," he turned abruptly. "You stay with the others. Give me an hour then get everyone away. You can't be here when I come back."

"When you come back?" Kate froze in her tracks. "But you said you were.... You're turning us all in aren't you?"

"It's not like it seems," he spoke more calmly.

"How can you do this?" Kate grabbed him by the arm. "Is this how you honor Robin, by betraying us and getting everyone killed? You selfish bastard."

"Trust me, it is not what you think. Just go back and tell John not to follow me. I mean it."

"I don't understand."

"This is something I have to do alone. Just don't believe everything you see or hear about me." Archer turned and ran off into the darkness.

Kate sat outside the lair until dawn when she heard one of the men rustling around inside. She slowly crept in and found Friar Tuck awake.  "You're up early," he said.  But she did not return the greeting. "Is there something wrong?" he looked around, "Where's Archer?"

With a long face, Kate leaned against the rock wall fighting back tears of confusion. By this time Much and John had both begun to stir. She closed her eyes and blurted out her answer. "Archer left."

"He left? Why? Where'd he go?" Much yawned.

"He said we need to get of here, quickly."

"What is going on?" John asked as both he and Much sprung to their feet.

"We have go. Now. Archer went to Prince John. He's turning us all in."

"He's what?" John shouted. "I'll bloody send him to Hell myself!"

Tuck stood silently thinking while Much, wide-eyed and momentarily speechless, grappled for words.  "There has to be an explanation." Tuck said quietly.

Much, finally finding his tongue, shouted, "He's betrayed us! I knew it, I just knew it!"

"Calm down my boy." Tuck held up his hands. "Archer would never betray us. I'm sure he has something up his sleeve."

"That may be true, but he is bringing the Prince here today." Kate added. "He's got a good hour ahead of us."

"Alright," Tuck said, thinking. "Kate, you and Much get what you can carry and head deeper into the forest. John and I will go to Nottingham and..."

Kate interrupted, "He said not to let John follow him."

"Fine, John you go with them, I'll go alone." Tuck concluded.

"We can't let you go alone," Kate insisted.

"A friar ministering to the people in their time of need would be less conspicuous then all of you charging through the rubble welding swords like idiots," Tuck explained. "I'll find out what's going on and come find you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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