A Story of Fire

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I'm gonna tell you a story.
It's not gonna be all lovey dovey,
It's a story about a boy and a girl,
But most importantly....it's a story of fire.

There once was a boy,
He liked this beautiful girl.
And she liked him,
But he made too many mistakes in life,
That he could never be with her, and she with him,
Because he didn't want her to suffer his consequences.

So he came up to her one day,
And he told her,
"Let me tell you a little about fire,
The most beautiful, and subtle thing on earth."
So he started telling her about fire.
And this is what he said:

We all know it needs oxygen to burn,
But it also needs a good strong foundation.
And we all know water will put it out,
But that depends on the quantity of water.

Well you are a blooming fire,
And I could give you oxygen,
To make you burn brighter.
I could make your foundation stronger,
So you could grow to be a bigger flame.

I could make you into a fire,
So big, bright, and beautiful,
That no ones water,
Could put you out.

But there is a problem,
What most people don't realize is,
That if a fire gets too big,
It will die out because it will run out of oxygen.

And that's the thing,
I will make you burn so big and bright,
You will become a wildfire.
And my oxygen will dissipate,
And you will die faster than you burned.

My consequences will tear away,
Your main life force,
And leave you for dead,
Earlier than you should have gone.

That's why we can't be together,
You need someone,
Who will make you burn bright,
But keep you burning forever."

And that's when the boy turned around,
And walked off into the distance,
With a tear rolling down his cheek,
As the girl stood there watching,
Tears rollin down her cheeks in understanding acceptance.

And that's the story.
As you see, not a lovey dovey one,
But a story of a boy and girl,
But most important....it's a story of fire.

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