Chapter 6

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I was telling a story to Xavier as I had just tucked him into bed. I heard a knock at the door as Luna Alexis walked into his room. I continued with my story as she sat down beside me on the edge of the lil boys bed. His eyes getting more and more droopy as I continued. Xavier's lil eyes finally closing as he couldn't fight the sleep anymore. I kissed his forehead and said goodnight to the sweet boy, his mother doing the same. We walked out of the room in silence and half closed the door.

"Your really good with him, you'll make a great mum" Alwxis said as she turned away from the door and to me. I blushed quite heavily. "Thanks I guess" I said semi embarrassed. She pulled me into a hug and started to lead me to my room. "He's never had someone like you to be able to interact with" she said as a distant smile appeared on her face. I smiled at her not knowing what to say. She lead me into a room which had a lovely king sized bed in the centre, an ensuite off to the side, a balcony out a glass door, a dressing table, a chester drawers, my bag being on the bed. " make yourself at home sweetie" Alexis says as she starts walking back down the hallway. I went straight to the bathroom for a shower.

Getting out of the shower and drying myself with a towel, I walk back into my room for the next week. I opened up my bag and grabbed some undergarments and chucked them on. I climbed into bed and just laid there starring at the ceiling. I had been laying there for a while when a sharp pain shot up the left side of my stomach. I curled up, thinking pressure will get rid of it like it usually would but little did I know that it won't die down. About an hour later the pain had either subsided a bit or I was just getting used to it, my eyelids began to droop. I fell into darkness.

About 2 in the morning I was awakened by a nonstop blood curdling scream. My body jolting upwards as paralysing pain took over my sweaty body, the screaming continuously hurting my ears. Not too long and my door was thrown open and multiple people were standing there and yelling at me to shut up. It was only then that I realised it was me who was screaming. I stopped, the pain taking over my whole body. The lights had been flicked on. My sheets and doona had been thrown carelessly to the floor, my body laying in a wet bed, my skin bright red and covered in sweat.

A sharp pain hit me from mid thigh to my jugular causing another rippling scream to escape my dry throat. "SHES GOING INTO HEAT" Someone screamed. "GET EVERYONE OUT" Another yelled. I felt myself being lifted, a tap running as I was being carried. I was placed in a ice cold bath, a hand come to squeeze mine. My screaming had subsided, the pain however was intensifying. My body going into spasms as the pain hit in waves.

I was zoning in and out of conversations that were floating through the room. "Look at the water"..."she is heating up again"..."baby you shouldn't be here"..."mummy she needs help"..."lock the boys out"..."get the pack doctor"..."the water is boiling"

I was transferred into someone's arms as I had been taken out of the water. "Start the shower, I'm getting in with her" I heard water running and then the cold water flowed over me as I was placed on my feet in the shower. The person who had got in with me was holding me tightly against them. My vision blurry, causing me to not see who was in the room.

"Mummy is she going to be ok?" I heard the lil voice say, the only voice I could focus on with all the yelling that was going on. I hung on tight to the person holding me, a few hisses escaping their mouth. "There's blood, whose is it?" A woman asks. "Mine" the voice right in my ear. I retracted my claws from them and tried to push them away from me but they wouldn't let go.

"Loz, Loz listen to me" there was a bright light being shon in my eyes causing me to pull back from the source. I bit the first thing that my myth came in contact with. "FUCK!" That I new was my dad, clearly I'd bit him. I sink my fangs in further causing more hisses to escape my fathers mouth. His blood dripped into my mouth as I put more force into my bite.

"Stop biting him" a little voice cried. I small figure wrapped itself around my leg, trying to pull me away from injuring my father further. My body instantly softened. My jaw releasing my father and body going nearly limp at the touch of the small boy. "Let me in" I heard a authoritative growl erupt in the hallway. "Xavier" the name fell from my lips, my voice broken and hoarse.

Dad placed me on the floor of the bathroom next to the small boy. He went to curl into me but soon regretted the decision when my skin scalded him. I need to control it. I need to control this so I can focus on him.

You and your sweet talk (#1 of  Moon Series)Where stories live. Discover now