Introducing me - Part 1

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He is tall, He is smart, He is loyal, He is kind. Trouble is, that he's all in my dreams... I'm jess, your average 15 year old teenage girl. With one dream, true love. I have had a few boyfriends in my past, but none that I truly fell in love with. I go to a school in LA. No, not the kind you're thinking, its not huge, and we don't have a massive cafeteria, or our own gym. It's just your average high school, full of average people, and the average everyday problems we all face. things like how many friends we have, if we're going to get that paper in by tomorrow, and if that guy you like actually likes you back. 

I catch the bus to school every day, its a pain in the ass and when you add it all up it ends up costing a bunch. I've grown up without a father so my mum has had to raise me and my older brother all by herself,  he help around the house a bit but its still not enough. She works in daycare so she's always really tired when she gets home (cuz you know, screaming kids and all). My brother is 19, he goes to the gym almost every day so he's quite buff, and as you'd guess, chicks just obsess over him. ugh. 

I have quite a large group of friends, mainly girls but a few guys hang around us every now and then just to flirt. Of course, its never with me. I can't really say I have a best friend, and I don't think I'd be able to choose one if I had to. My friends are either all bitchy at the same time, or all really great. We have a pretty big house though, so they are over all the time. We have a party at my house every 2 months, my brother brings a few of his friends as "body guards" (he's really protective) and he pitches in for the food too. A few of my friends also throw in a bit of money too to help out my mum. 

School finished just last week, so I've been planning a bunch of things for the holidays so I'm not entirely bored. Today me and my friends went to the city to get our nails done, have a bit of a shop around, (and check out guys). One of the girls mums dropped me home on their way back to her place, I got invited to go stay over with a few of the girls but I wanted to go home to be with my mum. I don't really like going to people's houses unless its Jake's house (my brother).  Jake had been away for 3 weeks for work and he was coming to see me and mum when he got back, which is tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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