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        Jordan is in love with Melina, and she doesn't like him back. Jordan is a good guy. He is smart, a little cute, and is good in drum line!
       Kat likes Jordan, and Kat thinks Jordan likes her. So she has hope everyday to think that he will ask her out anytime. Kat is really awesome, but when she talks about Jordan she just gets really annoying!
       And me, I just like girls and guys... My friends support me in every way possible. I just lost one of my friends and it was tough. We were fighting over a boy. She was dating him and I just kinda butted in... Which was a bad idea! I dated Austin over and over again.
       Becca is one weird girl... She likes a boy who is... is- I can't explain him, but I'm pretty sure you will understand. But she is friendly, but very protective!
       Austin is a ducebag! He is the 2nd to most popular boy in school, but he acts like he rules the school, so he gets in trouble a lot. That is why everyone is friends with him.
       Daniel is-- you will find out who he is-- he is no one important(even though he is my favorite guy in the whole world!!!!) Daniel is super HOTTTT!!! He has been my crush for a while now, but the problem is he spent like me. We are just friends. Even tho I did sleep with him. We didn't do anything bad like sex or anything like that we just slept on the same bed cuddled together.
       Mason is one of the cutest boys in school... He has rejected almost every single girl in the school! Just because they're not his type or they are just bitches. But he didn't reject me-- I broke up with him, hugest mistake I made(I think)-- Mason is just great, friendly, sporty, etc.
         Dalten is the boy that my ex friend and I were fighting about. We didn't fight over him, I just kinda made them brake up... NOT on purpose though-- now they both hate me. Dalten is still my friend(sort of). But Dalten is also one of the cutest boys in school. We have been friends since-- FOREVER AGO-- I just hope now we don't brake up as friends.
         George is cute, but very anxious! We dated once and we broke up because we wanted to get to know each other better. His sister hates me though. That is another reason we broke up.
        Elliot is a very kind, gentle, loving, inappropriate, innocent guy! He is very attractive! He is my BEST FRIEND! He is older than me, but who cares about age-- it is the love that matters-- he is a great person... And all that stuff I said about him is true and is very hard to find in a guy-- not the inappropriate part, you can always find that in a guy.
         So far those are my friends. Every day at school hanging with no one new besides NOTHING!!!! The only way we get new friends is if we hang with the super popular kids like Jake, Justin, Meradith, etc.
        We call ourselves the Nerds. The only reason we call ourselves that is because we study together and do lots together! Every day we meet up in the same place and that is at the library... Austin is always late because he is dealing with gurlz!!! It's like "C'mon Austin we don't have all day just to wait for you to actually get a girlfriend! Also for you just to get your stuff from your locker!!!" Well that is what I think in my head every time he is late. I don't know what the others think.
        Kat and I have this saying that when part of our body is hurt or we got hurt in any way we say "My Life Hurts".
        Seraiah is another best friend, she and I have been friends since we were 3! We are so close that we even took baths together!! She is my closest friend!
       Noah is Seraiah's boyfriend! I didn't like him at first, but now I am getting used to him. I think he is going to break up with Seraiah soon(if he does I will hurt him so bad he would not want to be alive)!!!! But Noah is pretty cool.
       Well here is our "School Drama"!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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