1. Motel Room

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You paced around the dirty, small motel room still in your clothes. It was almost two in the morning and you were still waiting for Sam and Dean to get back from a hunt. It wasn't until recently that they had told you about what they did for a living and you couldn't get that out of your mind.

They had said 'We hunt demons' so plainly that you laughed at first, thinking that was just a joke. Your smile and laughter faded away into a serious expression like they had both shared. You had practically forced it out of them when they saved you from a fire in your house. That happened over two years ago. You had ditched your former job and insisted on helping them, or attempting to at the least. You did most of the research, reading books about demons and monsters you never would've thought existed. You had seen horrible things, and the two brothers had saved you countless times.

You usually never worried when they were on a job, but they had been gone for so long that you couldn't help the anxiety bubbling up from within your core. You heard your phone ring and quickly, you pulled it out.


"Hey, it's me. We're coming back now, sorry for the late notice. We would've been back about two hours ago but Dean insisted on stopping for pie, you know how he is. Anyway, someone slashed our tires so we've been momentarily stuck here. Ended up exercising a demon, so it wasn't a bad day. Sorry for all this." Sam spoke so calmly and gently over the loud engine of the Impala.

"It's fine. I've just been doing some research," You lied. You couldn't sleep without them here, you felt vulnerable, unprotected.

"Oh, okay. Anything we should know?"

"Nothing yet. Sort of a dead end." You heard Sam sigh on the other end.

"Okay. Well, see you soon. Bye."

"Bye," You said and hung up. You sat down on the bed and sighed, relieved. You rubbed your forehead and looked to the nightstand where you were reading a story by one of your favorite authors, and continued reading.

It was only about five minutes when you hear the roaring of an engine draw closer and the die out, two doors opening and slamming shut, and a swift knock on the door to which you set down your book and got up to answer. You smiled and greeted Sam and Dean to which they replied. Sam was more cheery than Dean, who just grunted in response.

"What, didn't get enough pie?" You say, and Dean begins taking off his coat.

"No, they ran out."

"After your fifth slice?"

"Shut up," Dean muttered to you in annoyance, taking his long sleeved over shirt off revealing his short sleeved black shirt. He stormed into the bathroom probably to get changed, which left you and Sam alone. You could hear him playing ACDC in the bathroom, probably off his new phone that Sam got him for his birthday. You felt Sam's eyes on you, so you turned to face him.

"Anything else happen?" You ask.

"Well, he actually didn't get any pie. They didn't have any left and that's when we were going to leave, but our tires were slashed. After we took care of everything, we had to push it down to the mechanics which luckily was only a few blocks down the road. The owner there took care of it," Sam breathed, running a hand through his hair and keeping it there while he spoke.

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