3. Carnival

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"Sammy?" Dean calls out into the darkness of the night, moon lit and in the shape of a crescent.

"Sam?" You whisper behind him, holding a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other. You were crap at handling guns as they made you feel nervous but Dean insisted on you having one just for the sake of the case. He didn't want to loose anyone else, especially not one of his friends.

You follow behind Dean, tracing his big footsteps with your petite ones, and you suddenly are as cold as ice. You know that it's behind you, but you can't bear to face it. You fiercely jab Dean in the arm and he turns around sharply. He looks at you and you duck as he shoots at the spirit with rock salt, and it wisps away into the outlining background scenery behind it.

"Son of a bitch. You okay?" Dean looks at you with worried eyes and you nod, taking his arm. You didn't want to act weak especially in front of Dean but you decide to let it slide just this once for the fact that his whole damn town was infested with spirits and freaks which hid their true identity like by wearing a kabuki mask.  You hated being this closely involved, usually you were the bait. You were usually simply the brains of the team, fighting behind the sidelines. You were used to being captured by possessed people from demons to ancient so-called 'myths'. This time, you weren't the bait, and this frightened you. You and Dean walk side by side, you slightly behind him, shaking at the cold. He notices this and look down at you again.

"You cold?" He asks, looking in all directions to check for ghosts before meeting your eyes again.

"A little. Nothing I can't handle," You reply, trying to hide the fact that you were freezing to death. You had figured- Florida, nice warm summer air but instead got this chilling coldness tugging at your nerves, aching in your bones and weighing you down. You stifled your shaking but he notices, he always does. He sighs and hand you his flashlight and gun momentarily while taking off his coat, which surprises you. Dean could be a real jerk but he could also be a sweetheart- gentle and understanding. These moments between the two of you were very rare. He places takes back his gun and flashlight and then takes yours, helping you put on his coat, which is very big on your small and fragile figure. Somehow, your broad shoulders managed to fill in most of the top of the coat so it actually fit quite nicely around your top half but definitely not anywhere else.

"There. Better?"

"Very. Thank you." Dean's scent, which wasn't a bad one wafted from his coat and through your nostrils. The coat was still relatively warm from his body heat which relieved your chills quickly. Dean hands you back your stuff and you move on to find Sam, and you'd better be quick. You knew how much the puppy hated clowns.

You had been looking for quite a few minutes now when you stumbled upon a late night act where a bunch of people were gathered. Dean looks and you and you both tuck your guns in your back pocket where it wouldn't be seen for the time being. You click off your flashlight and grab Dean's arm. He looks at you weirdly at first, but then takes the hint. You wouldn't mind being his date for a while. You join the crowd, who appears to be watching a magic act portraying a very tall man looking woman and a very small scrawny man wearing a dress. You can't imagine what this act could be about, but there is lots of clapping so you assume it has ended and join the clamor, sharing a smile with Dean and he whistles along with the group. You notice a slight haze about the people and look around, seeing as there isn't anyone else milling around. Your expression changes and you shove Dean in the side, causing him to notice as well. You both share a look and he moves away from you, and in front of the people, who seem to look right through him.

"Damn spirit's trying to distract us, I swear. When I get my hands on this asshole-"

"Dean. Stop. Let's keep looking," You say, and hear some very real sounding people nearing. You once again take Dean's arm and move against his side protectively and as cover. A policeman walks around the corner with a short and stout looking half-bald man wearing glasses and pajamas with a robe over them.

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