Joe is a Photography Nerd

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"Joe!" Caspar called as he stomped merrily up the steps. "Joe! I have something for you!"

Joe watched from the armchair as Caspar appeared, tufts of blonde hair first, then sunny grin, followed by broad shoulders, flailing arms and long legs. He was holding a small box wrapped, surprisingly neatly, with dark red wrapping paper.

"Ohh, Caspar, you didn't have to get me anything, " Joe whined through a smile.

"Yeah right, whatever but I wanted to anyway. That's what boyfriends do. 25 is a big one."

"Ergh don't remind me," Joe laughed. "Right, give me that. Let's see." Joe took the box and shook it next to his ear. Caspar held out a hand and said "Er, careful Joe, I don't know if it's really fragile or not." Joe raised an eyebrow and peered at the box, made a funny face and sniffed the spot where the paper was taped together.

"Oh my god Joe just open it," Caspar said, lightly ruffling Joe's hair. "You're gonna like it."

Joe laughed at his own joke, quickly pushed his hair back and tore the paper open to reveal a cardboard box. Crossing his eyes and putting on his classic dorky accent he quipped, "I've always wanted a cardboard box."

Caspar sat on the arm of Joe's chair while he waited for Joe to finish amusing himself and open the box. When he finally did so, his eyes went wide.

"Caspar! That is actually so cool. Oh my god." He held up a gorgeous Leica M6 camera, in good-as-new condition, between his face and the late-noon sunlight streaming through the window.

"Where did you find this?" Joe asked, unable to stop beaming as he carefully turned the camera around in his hands, inspecting it from every angle with doe-eyed fascination.

Caspar found himself smiling just as hard as his boyfriend was, proud of himself for apparently picking a decent gift and happy to see Joe so excited. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ebay is a magical place."

"Caspar do you know how rare these things are? You know I've wanted one of these bad boys for ages. Oh my word this is great," he made a strangled yelp of excitement as he peered through the lens at his grinning boyfriend. Joe scooted up to sit on the back of the chair so he could reach Caspar and give him a kiss. "Thank you so much babe. This is so fricking cool. It's so tumblr."

"I'm glad you like it," Caspar replied, pulling Joe in for a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, love."

"Gross," Josh shouted from the dining room table. "Get a room!"

"Get a house!" Joe retorted before kissing Caspar again. Oli laughed from his spot on the couch.

The next day, Caspar awoke at 5 am to an empty bed and the sound of Joe singing COOL at the top of his lungs in the shower. "What the hell..." Caspar groaned and rolled out of bed in his Where's Wallis pajamas, opening the bathroom door and fanning the hot steam out of his face. "Why are you awake?"

"Morning Caspar!" Joe said, far too cheerful for this hour. "Glad you're up, you can come with me!"

"Come with you where? We don't have any meetings til Monday."

Joe rinsed shampoo out of his hair as he explained that they were going to Hyde park for a photography expedition. "This is your fault, in a way, Caspar, so no complaining. You got me a fucking awesome camera, you have to help me put it to good use."

Caspar rolled his eyes, but he knew they were going to have a good time. Joe was happiest when he was doing something he loved, and he did love photography. Joe was always going on about beautiful views and picturesque walkways and flowers that just looked like they smelled nice, and he took plenty of photos on his phone but he was never quite satisfied. He had "massive camera envy" of Will Darbyshire pretty much all the time and had called him on facetime soon after opening the present to show off.

Caspar picked up the camera from Joe's desk and looked at the intricate system of gears and buttons. He turned a knob near the lens and heard a click. "Oh." He didn't want to break anything so he put it back down on the desk. He grabbed a towel from his old bedroom which was now used as a storage space/filming room and headed for the other shower.

When the two were dressed and had eaten a quick breakfast (three toaster waffles for Caspar, a bowl of microwaveable blueberry porridge for Joe), they set out for Hyde park. Joe's Leica hung from his neck on its leather strap, tucked under the collar of his favorite denim jacket. Joe pulled Caspar by the hand, hoping to reach Hyde Park before before the sun was fully risen. He looked over his shoulder and saw Caspar's look of excitement despite his unwillingness to be awake, much less showered and out of the house, at 6 am, and couldn't resist taking his first picture. Through the viewfinder he saw Caspar's eyes crinkling at the corners and his arm outstretched towards him. He heard the click of the shutter and Caspar's lilting giggle simultaneously and couldn't help but sigh at how much he enjoyed the current state of his current life. Beautiful day, beautiful camera, beautiful city, beautiful boyfriend. He felt he had it all.

When they were nestled into a wooded corner of Hyde Park, Joe began crouching around shrubs to find delicate Baby's Breath buds to photograph up close, and making Caspar kneel down to use his back as a tripod so he could get a symmetrical and level angle of a small footbridge. He found a few ladybirds socializing on a stone, which he grinned at and subsequently named (Leopold, Lorraine and Lucy) before taking a few pictures of them.

"Cas, lean against that tree. Look how the light is hitting it. That's so damn romantic. Stand right there."

"What? Joe I didn't--"

"Quick! The sun's moving!" Joe's hands landed on Caspar's hips and pushed him against the tree. Caspar tried to protest but Joe was already scuttling away to get the right angle.

Caspar thought it was cute how Joe kept crouching and standing back up and leaning over and kneeling and turning his head sideways. He thought the way Joe's hair fell in his face when he adjusted his angle was pretty, and he certainly thought the way Joe bit his lip in concentration was attractive. His hand brushed through his hair as a natural instinct and Joe snapped a photo as Caspar made this classically Caspar gesture. "Oooh I think that was a good'un. Okay come sit on this bench over here."

Caspar feigned annoyance as he moved to his next assigned spot, but as he sat down, Joe's attention was caught by something else.

"Oh my word! Look! There's a nest in that tree. I don't think it's too high for me to reach if I stand up on this branch." Caspar saw the nest and watched Joe clamber into the tree, holding on to the trunk for balance with his left hand and holding the camera with his right. He strained onto his tiptoes and craned his neck to see the nest through the viewfinder.

Caspar took out his phone and began taking photos of Joe, stretched as far as his petite frame could manage to take a picture of a tiny nest in a tree at 6:45 in the morning on a brisk September Friday. He knew he was the one who had bought the present for Joe but he reckoned he got himself a pretty cute gift too, a boy who found wonder and awe in the simplest things.

AN: v cheesy, v pointless, v kept me up til 5 am for no reason :):) love it. Also ..the title..I'm..done trying to come up with good ones ok good sorted thanks

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