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That was odd. I haven't heard the conemouths blaring on the streets ever since the Cleanup four years ago. I call them conemouths but they're called as sirens by the Twelve. They're patrollers who have this big, cone-shaped devices that makes their voices blast in the air. They usually are with Keepers that are in a pursuit of runaways. They're also the ones who make big announcements for events or drills.

Hearing them on the streets tonight seemed odd. They don't roam around at night just to say things like that. They never do. Especially when its 6 in the evening. Ain and Gil aren't even home, which is explainable for Gil. He probably has additional work back at the shop. But for Ain, I don't know.

I have a bad feeling about this.


"Ma, why is it noisy outside? Is somebody hurt?" Rose asked her mother, who had a worried expression on her face, which she quickly hid as she knelt down at her daughter.

"Don't worry, my little birds. Everything's all right. Let's go back up to your room." Lina said to the twins trying to bring them upstairs, but they stood still. I hear a sniff from both of them inside the dim-lighted living room.

"I'm scared." said Rose.

"Me too." said Ron. "What's happening outside?"

Lina sighed. She doesn't know what to say to them. She does not want to tell them what's happening either.

"Where's kuni Ain and pa?" They asked us. I saw Lina trembling after hearing that question. I place my right hand on her left shoulder.

"Lina, you better take them to their room. You need to rest too." I said to her.

She stood from the floor. "But Den - "

"Don't worry." I cut her from what she was going to say. "You need to rest." She didn't say anything else.

I knelt down to the twins. "What did your pa say everyday before he goes to work?"

"I will be back." They said together.

"That's right. Believe that he will be back. And your kuni Ain. They will. Okay?"

They nodded.

"Good." I smiled. "Now both of you get to bed. It's still dark." In reply, they yawn and stretch their arms above their heads.

They said goodnight, and went up the stairs with Lina behind them. Halfway up the stairs, she looked at me with worry. I told her not to worry about them. She sighed and went up to the twins.

I'm just as worried as her. To be honest, I don't know if they are fine outside, which is full of chaos. It's happening again. Though it's been four years, the memories of the Cleanup is still fresh in my mind.

Ain and Gil are not safe. They really are not safe.


Just as I thought. It was another cleanup after all. Everything looks just like the last time.

Bodies all chopped, shot, and burned, lying down on the streets of red puddles. Scorched walls and broken windows and doors. The smell of burning flesh and wood. The screams of women and cries of children, trying to run away from the Cleansers.

Everything is a mess.

Why is this happening again?


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