Traitor In The Family

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"Why are you calling me, Mark?" I asked impatiently. He knows that ever since Ari told me all about his and her's high school past, I stopped hanging around him. I confronted him about it and he keeps telling me that she's lying. I know for a damn fact that Ari can't be lying because she absolutely HATES his guts. She can't fake strong hate like that; I don't believe anyone can. Everytime his name is even mentioned, she tenses up and acts like a complete stranger. He must've really messed her up in the head because after so many years, she can't let it go, no matter what. And him faking like he doesn't even know her, let alone remember any of the stuff he did to her pisses me off. I can't stand it. If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a liar. Lying to me straight in my face really gets under my skin. And he's lied to me in my FACE? NO. No, I'm sorry but that is the most disrespectful thing. I believe everyone deserves a second chance however, but he constantly keeps saying he doesn't recall anything that ever happened. He totally throws her under the bus, saying he can't even remember a single conversation they ever had. IT DRIVES ME INSANE. She means so much to me, and the fact that he has emotionally scarred her for life already pisses me off, but what pisses me off even more is that he's still hurting her by calling her a liar and telling me to "kick her to the curb".

"You have to listen to me. Please. I AM NOT A LIAR, THAT GIRL IN YOUR HOUSE IS THE LIAR." He yelled. "She's been lying ALL THIS TIME, MICHAEL! Her name isn't even Ariana. It's TAMMY." he said in anger. "She's supposed to get married to another guy soon! She doesn't love you! She's using you man, please believe me."

"Mark, what the fuck are you even talking about?! The hell is your problem?!" I angrily asked.

"Mike. C'mon, you know me."

"And why should I believe you?" I asked. "Give me one good reason."

"Have I ever lied to you before this girl came in the picture?" He seriously asked. "Have I ever lied to you?"

I didn't answer.

"Exactly. And I have no reason to ever lie. Mike I'm telling you she is not who you think she is! Leave her!"

Okay, he's crossing a fucking line, now. "Why can't you just leave us alone?! FUCK YOU Mark." I spat. "Don't call my home anymore or else." I said, then hung up. I swear to God I cannot stand him.

Now I understand why Ari was so upset when she picked up the phone. That bastard was on the other end. I quickly got off of the bed and rushed out of the room. "Ariana!" I yelled. "BABY? Where are you?" I had no idea where to look, Neverland was a rather large estate. I ran down the steps and started running through the house. "ARIANA JORDYN THOMPSON!" I called, using her full name.

"Michael, go away." I heard her softly say behind me.

I took a few steps backwards, and found her behind the wall. "Ari... " I softly called.

She had her arms crossed, looking down and frowning to the ground.

I reached for her arm and softly ran my hand along it's smoothness, "Baby Girl, don't worry about him." I said. "He's a liar. He's not worthy our time. Just forget about him."

"How'd you know it was him?" She asked sadly, still looking at the ground.

"Well, since you ran away without answering me, I decided to find out who it was for myself. I *69'd him. He answered, tried to feed me bullshit, then I told him off, then hung up."

She snapped her head up in my direction. "What did he say?" She bit her lip.

"Nothing important, my heart." I opened my arms. "Now come here, please." I softly said

She slowly walked to me and fell into my arms. "Please, Michael. I want to know." She said.

I don't feel that telling her that Mark made up an incredible lie about a double identify was appropriate. It was a little too much. I honestly don't want to disturb her with that thought. But, I know she needs to know; for her own sake. I sighed. "He made up another lie. Multiple lies."

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