Chapter Twenty Four

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I gently woke to the sound of what sounded like birds. I find myself laying against a tree which before coming here to Gorlodion I had not seen for what felt like forever.

"Cayden," I hear Zack whisper my name. He sat beside me, he had never left my side by the looks of it.

"I told you he would be alright. Can't die remember," sighed Amelia who stood opposite us both.

"I know and I am sorry I have been so worried but he is my family Amelia. I can't quite see anything without him anymore," whispers Zack.

"I know and I am sorry I ran off," she said.

"You came back that is what matters," says Zack.

"How far did we get?"

"Far enough. I am certain the Warden will be on us or he might have told Lucas and Actros right now who knows. Whatever it is we are in trouble," says Amelia.

"What happened to Jordon?"

"He got away but...he ran like a coward and didn't even come back to help. We never needed him anyway," says Amelia.

"You are right. What we going to do now?"

"We wanted to wait until you came around because we have no clue," says Zack.

"No one can die so how can we even begin to be able to stop Lucas and Actros but I did a lot of thinking stuck in that prison, even had dreams about it. We need help. The more people we have the more chance we have actually defeating them. I hate to say it because I hated every second in Sinistral but we have to go back," I tell them by.

"Why? Wouldn't we do more here?"

"No...its in Sinistral where you can separate Sinistral and Gorlodion again and its in Sinistral where we may get help," I tell them.

"From who?" they both ask.

"Amelia you use to be a Scar. You were at that Scar camp I saw it when we were in the tunnel. You had friends there right?"

"Of course I did. I nearly made them all go against Lucas before. He just caught onto what was going on before I had that proper chance. So you want us to go to the Scar camp and what get them to help us?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. Its the biggest chance we got. They have swords, they are Scars. Use his own Scars against him. It make him angry but we need people. We need anyone we can get and I thought it be a good idea," I tell her.

"I think its a good idea," says Zack.

"It is clever in fact but we have to hope it works. I hate Sinistral but you are right. It began there and it probably has to finish there. What is our actually idea?"

"Get as many people as possible and take him down. We have to find some way and if we do...Lucas will be knocked right off his so called throne. No one gave him the right to be able to rule both worlds and when we are done he will rule none!"

Zack and Amelia look at me and smile, "I told you that you are the leader," Zack smirks.

"I agree with you now. Where has this fight come from? When I first met you," she whispers.

"After everything...I blame myself for what happened. I made this happen. I was blind and stupid and you can say how could I have known but still I hate myself for it. Lucas is no Uncle of mine and I am going to stop him. So you both in?" I ask them

"Till the very end. Even though there will probably be no end," laughs Zack.

"Already dead," Amelia adds.

"We have to get back to Sinistral do either of you know where we are?" I ask.

"Not a bloody clue," says Amelia.

"I have an idea. I think a couple miles away is that City that got destroyed blame on us again but anyway and beyond on that will be that town we found and met Olly and then beyond that is..."

"Is the door back to Sinistral," I finish his sentence.

"So we better get going then," says Amelia as she comes over to me and helps me to my feet, "You going to be alright?"

"I'm fine. Let's go."

We travel through trees for a short while and come upon a path shortly after. We follow it and it leads us straight by that City which looks totally messed up.

"It looked like it was once a beautiful city," says Amelia.

"It was. We did all we can to save it but all it really did was get us chucked in that prison," sighs Zack.

"Never mind can't worry about that now lets keep moving," says Amelia.

We continue along the path for what felt like forever but we finally reached the little town we had found Olly.

"You think those Scars are still in that house tied up?"

"I doubt it and I don't wish to look. Come on we are not too far from the door now," I smile.

We go straight by the town and continue on. "We could of got a new pair of clothes," says Zack coming beside me.

"Yeah...," I say realizing we are still all wearing the annoying jumpsuits.

"Too late now. Is that the door," points Amelia in front of us.

In the distance stood the door still wide open. "We have to go through all that shit again in hope we manage to escape to get back into Sinistral...that is annoying," I sigh.

"What?" asks Amelia confused.

"Just another thing we had to go through. Another story I have to tell you some day soon," says Zack.

"Tell me right now. What is behind that door!" she snaps.

Zack looks at her, "Why are you being like this? You have changed too and not in a good way," says Zack looking upset.

"I am sorry Zack. I just want to know what I need to expect had too many surprises and been through too much too," she says softly as she takes his hand and they look at each other.

I continue towards the door as I spot them about to kiss. "Guys we don't have the time," I say as I am close to the door now. They both run to catch up with me.

"It uses your fears against you. Anything to meddle with your head. It is mostly likely to lead us straight back here to Gorlodion too. We just have to hope we some how manage to do it again."

"We actually met Olly in here in this trap or whatever you wish to call it. That town was Olly's home," says Zack.

"Where is Olly now? What happened to him?"

"We lost him," says Zack.

"I think part of me knows he got taken for some reason. I hope we find him some day soon," I whisper.

"Is he cool?"

"Yeah he was alright actually," I say as we finally arrive right outside the door. I take the handle and walk straight in, Zack and Amelia following me.

At first I felt sick, and I couldn't see a thing. Then pain shot through my whole body and I yell out in pain in shock. I couldn't hear anything apart from my yell echoing inside my head.

Suddenly I hit hot pavement. I open my eyes and look around.

I am back.

Some how, someway.

I am back.

Back in Sinistral.

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