Chapter four

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Hey guys! Enjoy this chapter! ;)

It is Monday again, and it only means work again and i love it. I put on my favorite ruffled blouse in crisp light blue, white pencil cut skirt and white coat. I put on my two inches sandals, for my makeup I wore a little eye shadow put a little liner and mascara, my summer pink lipstick and I just put my hair in a mid-high ponytail. I carry on my things and I head down stairs.
   Rosy leaves for work as early as I do. She has an early shift. Just as I am about to open the door Emmet opened it. "Leaving for work?" He said on greetings. "Yes, and Have a good night sleep to you." I smiled and tap his shoulder. "K. Take care and have a wonderful day." He reached to give me a kiss on the cheek. I hurried out looking at my watch. I only have 30 mins left. Start the engine and I drove to school.

   "Morning sunshine!" Mr. Kim the school guard greeted me. "Morning Mr. Kim, I think I'm late. Are they all here?" "Yep waiting for you inside with their most behavior." I gave him a quick smile after I swipe on my ID and head to my classroom.
   The children were playing as I enter the room. A little bit mess with the chairs but it's fine. "Uhhhhummm..." I fake a cough. "Good morning children." They were all surprised from my entrance. "Good morning Ms. delRosrio." I smiled warmly. I love teaching kids. They were like angels,. Yes they get tantrums sometimes but at the end of the day seeing them learning from you is a big thing to me.
   I went to my table at the back and I noticed a FLOWER on the side with a note 'for the most wonderful woman I've seen'. Ok now, this totally freaks me out. I asked the children if they knew someone left the white rose on my table. And guess what, they have no idea. To my curious state I walked to Mr. Kim "Mr. Kim can I ask you something?" I said. "Sure, what is it?" "Have you seen anyone enter my classroom?" He paused for a while before he gets to answer. "Oh yeah! A guy asked if he could see you... But I said you're not here yet... He has a flower for you i think and he ask me if he could personally put the rose on your table..." I just listened. "Of course I said no.. But he was so persistent. He said I could escort him... So I did, but we walked out after he left that rose." I am puzzled and I don't know who he is. "Can you tell what he is like?" I asked. "Uh he's hair is long. He wears blue shirt and pants. He looks like a film actor by how he look and he has a nice car." Right! I knew it! It's him.. Tommy... "Thanks' Mr. Kim." I turn and walked away.. But why.. How..
     I can still remember the way he stares at me that night. The way he smile like feasty whenever I caught his eyes... Shit! What is he doing?! I threw the rose to the trash bin. There is no way I could accept it...
     The day with the kids went well... I have no problem with them, they were all good and smart kids.. At my lunch break I rang Steph. "Hi babe. There is something I need to talk to you about. I am so beast mode right now." I can see her curious face. "Oops.. Wait slowdown.. What's with the beast mode???" I took a deep breath. "Did you give Tommy my home address and where I work? Because I am freaking out right now. There's a rose left at my table when I enter my classroom and I asked the guard he said it was from the tall guy with a long hair and looks like a man on the tv and having a nice car!? And that is exactly Tommy's description." My breathing was fast and I don't know why. "What? Oh babe I am not sure. But I think my Larry and he was kind of talking about you after you left at the bar? He even said you look different. But hey isn't he a hottie!" I greeted my teeth. "No! Listen! I got the same flower with a note on my front door!" I emphasize those words. "And it only means that HE was there! And I am so freaking out right now!" She was quiet for a while. "Ok sis, listen. I'm gonna call Larry if he gave your info's to his cousin, alright? I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes for about two seconds. "Ok. Thanks sis. Sorry for my sudden outburst. Talk you later." I hung up.
      I didn't get the chance to finish my lunch. I head back to my next class, so the time passed till it's home time. I made sure that the children picked up by their guardian before I head out.
     Closing the classroom door, I walked out the school feeling numb I am I guess.. My head is floating.. Maybe because of what I have found out. When my feet reached the parking lot I almost jumped in surprise or maybe shock or scared. I don't know how to describe it. I can feel my eyes widen and my cheeks felt warmer. I can't move my feet.
    He's here... Leaning on the side of his really nice expensive car, holding a white rose in his hand. Tommy's here...
No way. He has a smile on his beautiful face staring at me straight never leaving his eyes on mine. Damn I felt like my knees starts to get jelly. I fought the feeling of liking him, instead I stiffen my body walk passed him like I didn't see him standing there. I only gave him my devilish smile with brow raised on him. Walking passed him made his face neutral. Kindda look that he's not pleased with what I did to him. Ha! That spoil baby thinks He can go over me. "Stop!" I jumped in my mind. Trying to stay calm I turn to face him. "Excuse me? Are you referring to me?" He smirk then walk towards where I stand. Crap I wish I parked my car at the front. "Who do you think I am referring to? Besides no one's out here but you and me." He's walking forward, slowly until he's only inches away from me. "Oh yeah? I'm sorry, do you need help? 'Cause the guard is still inside I can call him so he can help you." My! We're looking eye to eye. Like a burning desire inside of me that I can't figure out why and how he has an effect on me like this. Next thing I know his thumb was on my lips. Slowly move down my jawline. I froze. I am liking the moment but I'm hating it at the same time. "What are you doing?! Get your hands off me. You can't just show up and do that crap on me!" He deepened his eyes like a hungry lion. "Is that how you treat someone who helped you the moment you need a hand?" My brows furrowed. Confused and puzzled. What is he talking about?!


"What are you doing this so late outside?" I heard a man. Talking I tried to search for his face but my eyes were blurry from my drunkenness. I was lying at my fron door. "You'll get cold if you won't go inside your house." I tried my best not to throw up. "Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you talking to me? I don't even know you." I felt someone just moved me from my position and carry me bridal style inside my house. "We just met and you already forget me." I finally got the chance to peek and it's him... Tommy... Larry's cousin. From the bar. "Ohhhh if this is the hot cousin of Larry." I heard him say "which is your room?" I hiccupped. "The one in the right. You know what pretty boy you can't stare to a woman like that. That's rudeness. You made me feel so uncomfortable by your gorgeous eyes. Your girlfriend must be lucky she gets to see that eyes and taste that lips every single day."  I felt I touched down to my bed. "Yeah?! Well I am pretty sure you had enough alcohol, you're saying things. I am sorry I did that to you if it worries you. It's just that I was so captivated by you." I am gonna passed out any second now. "Tommy, eres tan..." And I was out.

   She was so beautiful. Very simple and yet captivating. I know she's feeling uncomfortable but I can't help myself stare at her. If i could, i'd burry my eyes on her. After my small conversation with her at the comfort room she's nowhere to be seen. Larry said she got home with Rosy and Michael.
    Thinking she was with him made me boil. "Hey bro, I know you won't give me shit but I'm going to ask you what Martina is like." Larry gave me an eye. "Oh no brother. No way. She's off limits." I chuckled. "Woo. Wait I didn't know you are the acting father now." Steph began to add. "She's a no man woman." I almost spit my drink. "What she's a lesbian?"
"No she just don't want to be in a relationship."

"But why?" That kind of hot woman doesn't want to live a happy life!??

"There's a story behind that. And you don't need to know." Larry said

"But she's damn hot. I can't take my eyes off of her. She's... She's different." I said looking down at my glass.

"Sorry buddy. Not your lucky day." Steph laughed at me.

"Ok but can you just please tell me something about her at least." I plead.

"Alright. She's a grade school teacher at Holy Christian Academy. Martina is a very loving one. She likes to bake." I let out a chuckle. "Yeah she does. Funny and very sensitive. She has problems in trusting men. Not all but some."

"She's different." Is all I could say.

Larry gave me her address. That stupid fool can't turn me down when I give my puppy eyes. Hahaha. Martina... Oh girl this will definitely going to be tough fun.

It's two in the morning. And I just want to have a quick drive to her home. As I drive slowly closer to her house, I saw someone lying on the floor. It is her. I hurriedly climb out on my car running to see her passed out at the door. I believe she was crying before, course there's a water mark on her face that almost dry.
   "What are you doing this so late outside?" I asked worried. "You'll get cold if you won't get inside your house. She said "Who are you. Why are you here? Why are you talking to me I don't even know you." I didn't bother to answer her question. I carry her into my arms. She's saying things something like flattering about me and my looks. She even mentioned that my girlfriend is lucky. She's so funny, she's cute even when she's drunk. "Tommy, eres tan..." Was the last thing I heard from her before she totally passed out. Damn the way she do that Spanish thing even make her sexy. I drove out bought a white flower from the nearest shop just outside the village before I left it on her front door with a piece of card saying "You are just so beautiful even when you passed out. I just wish you waited for me Martina."

Hey guys. Thanks for reading! I hope you like this part ;)
I think it's cool but uou can suggest what could happen next.. Just please no harsh things and words. Thank you. Love you all
Sorry fo the mistakes.


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