Lets Play

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I start to feel extremely dizzy and my visions start getting blurry, Everything is spinning. In an attempt to get out of the dance floor I almost fell when I felt two hands supporting me. I look up but can't picture who it is.

"Hey....hey are you okay"

I can hear them but can't see them probably.

I feel hot flashes running throughout my whole body.

What's wrong with me, I can't see probably.

I try to speak but nothing Is coming out. I push the person who was supporting me and wobbles my way to the exit but failed to reach it. I rest on the wall.

My head feels extremely dizzy my vision is getting even more blurry.

A sudden beeping noise coming from my left ear. Holding my ears my visions went dark as I feel myself falling to the ground.

"She's finally out"


"Yoona....Kang Yoona...Wake up"

I can feel someone slapping my checks "wake up" I can Hear the familiar voice but why is she crying, her voice sound shaky and scared. I wonder why.

"Han Seol?" I call out.

My eyes feel heavy but I slightly open them. "No it's Soo Yeon, " she said while sobbing

Hearing that I slowly open my eyes only to find myself lying down on her lap.

My vision still blurry "what happened" I asked as I rub my eyes, she All of sudden she burst out crying again. " I-I don't know one minute we are all in the club and-and next thing I remember is walking up to this ugly place.

I sit down wandering what she meant and she wasn't wrong we are in a wide rusty old room almost like a room out of a horror movie.

But there are People around the room either sitting down or standing or lying down.

What is this place, what's going on. I think to myself while I observe my surroundings, I look at my friend who's till crying "whats going on....why here we here" I ask

"I-I don't know," she said in between in between her sobbing "You were lying down next to me when I woke up" She continued

My heart almost stopped when the thought hit me " where are Han Seol and the others" I asked grabbing her shoulders. "I don't know"

I quickly get up on my feet and walk towards the door but Soo Yeon quickly grabbed my hand "where are you going" she said sniffing

"I'm going to look for them obviously" I reply yanking my arm back.

"You really think we'd all be sitting around here if we could go out is this room," A black haired guy said leaning near the door looking extremely arrogant.

Another one stands up "the door is lock and we tried everything to open it so stop having a hissy fit" he said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"H-hissy Fit" just when I about to take a step toward them Soo Yeon Grabbed my hand again.

And in sync "Geumanhae" Soo Yeon and the brunette guy near them shouted "Do not start another fight" continued the guy with brunette hair.

"Well control these two loudmouths " I reply as I Turing on my heel and walk back with Soo Yeon to our original space.

"Loud MOUTHS" one of them yelled back but was stop but the other one

"Jungkook cut it out"

"Hyung," he said questionably

now that see his face, his lips seems to have cuts, he must have been hit pretty bad. Pfft It's not like you could blame anyone for hitting them. Their arrogance and attitude would set anyone off, it's too much.

I Look back at Soo Yeon who was sitting against the wall as she tries to sob in silence. I give her a hug and try to comfort her but it wasn't really working she was in the complete panic mood. "What do we do," she said

"W-We should have stayed home....a and listen to you if I hadn't insisted we go out this wouldn't of hap-

"Don't try and blame yourself" I cut her off as she tries to take the blame "don't worry, I just hope the rest are okay...a and please stop cry it won't solve any-

"Shut the Fuck up" someone yell taking us by surprise I look towards the source of the voice and it was a red haired boy standing next to the black Haired form before " shut her squealing mouth up, she's giving me a headache" he yelled

"Back off red head, she just sacred" I yell back looking at him

The red head took a couple of steps towards us and I quickly up and get in defence mood " You better back off if you want to have any children in the future." I say as a warning.

"This Bit-

Someone's voice echoed throughout the whole room making everyone gasp in shock.

Ring Around the roooses, Room Full of Posers. Ashesss ashesss You all Fall Dowwwwwn.

A creepy Voice Sings putting everyone in a panic. I quickly look for the source of the Voice and find at the corner of the room A CCTV camera and speakers. Looking around the room and found one in each corner.

someone's been watching us this whole time. What is going on here?

"Let's Play"


Hey guys this is my first BTS fanfic hope you guys enjoy it.
Also I haven't chosen the main lead for this story if you guys have any idea let me know.

🎶Girl let me, girl let know 🎶

Thanks you xxx

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