Help me

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The door creaked open "lets play" the voice Signed out, everyone stares at the door each one Clinging on to one another in fear waiting to see what might be waiting for them behind the old rusty door. I can feel Soo Yeon grabbing my arms tighter than before. when everyone realized that there was no one there they all rushed to get out of the room.

An unsettling feeling began welling inside me as we walk down the dark hallway, All of a sudden Soo Yeon froze in her spot.
"Unni... What's wrong? Are you okay...? I asked questions in panic as I wave my hand In front of her face, trying to make her snap out of it.

"Can you hear that" she whispered all of sudden, Not knowing what she was talking about I continue talking " Unni What are Yo-" I tried to speak but her hands on my mouths Silent me while shushing me

* Bang bang* "Help" someone's screaming came from the distance.
Without thinking, I start walking towards the person In distress.

"yah. Where are you going" SooYeon Said grabbing my Arm, while taking a couple of steps in front of me blocking my way.

"Someone needs help" I answered simply and tried to walk past but she took another step and Blocked my way again

"No.. We are going the other way, it could be dangerous there. There is nothing we can do" she said and grabbed my hand and forcefully tried to make me follow her.

How can she...

I pull my hand off her and took couple of steps back " I can't do that Unni, I can't ignore someone scream for help.... You go."

I turn around and ran back. I can hear SooYeon voice yelling after me " Yoona Don't" ignoring her I continued to run.


After running for a while I finally found where the banging was coming from. There I stood In front of the Brown rusty door marked Door 13. I twist the door, Handel, opening the door wide. I felt fear Welling inside me, I walk in the room taking careful steps as if there were traps on the old rusty wooden floor.

I gasp in shock as to what appeared in front of my eyes. A Giant tank and in the centre was a boy struggling to breathe as the water filled to the top started to pour out.

Acting on instinct I ran to towards that boy fast in panic. "What do I do" I repeat in panic. I look around the room to find something to smash the glass. In the corner of my eyes caught a hammer. A big one on the wall with a note on it.

Where did that come from. It wasn't there a moment ago. I thought to myself. I quickly grabbed it but the note confused me

Help him or leave him your choice but you will pay the consequences if he lives.

"What the hell is going on", before I had the chance to even think a second the banging coming from behind me grabbed my attention. oh, my god.

I grabbed the large hammer and as I throw the paper out of my hand. "Sorry I am coming" I stood at the edge of the big tank and swung the hammer at the glass as hard as I can and the next second the glass shattered and the water and the boy splashed out of the tank.


The boy laid on the floor lifeless. Not knowing what to do. "Oh my god, oh my god, what do I do what do I do" she repeated in panic "um um CPR...I need to do CPR" she said with hint happiness "thank you mother," she said remember how her mother used to force her to take first aid classes.

She quickly started the Chest compression, before she could move on to the next step the boys started coughing up water

"oh my god your okay" she spoke in relief that the boy was okay but soon that relief turned into fear, as the whispers crept into her ears "NOW ITS YOUR TURN" Feeling overwhelmed with fear " did you hear that" she asked the boy sitting next to her.

In between his coughs he tried to speak " hear. What."

" Nothing," she said Let it go she tries to comfort the boy "how are you feeling," she asked out of concern while rubbing his back to help him with the coughing.

"Yeah thanks to you," he said smiling at her earnestly, "my name is Jung hoseok I really appreciate you saving my life" he continues talking. Just then another creepy whisper crept into Yoona's ears again but this time, it sent shivers down her spine "TO DIEEEE"
Trembling in fear She stands up ignoring the boy rambling on and look around the room to find the source of the voice.  But little did she know that it was waiting for her. The dark being evolved from the shadow behind her and spoke loud and clear " Suffer the consequences "

she turned around and the second she laid eyes on the dark being in front of her she tried to scream but in an instant, the darkness pushed her until she was trapped aginst the wall and started attaching her slashing her everywhere not giving her a chance to breathe or scream.

She screamed for help but her voice won't come out, Yoona tired again but her body won't obey her.... Feeling pain throughout her body she screams loud helplessly.


Hey guys sorry I haven't update o have been very busy but I promise I will update more often. Also let me know what you think of the story so far??

Thank you for the support. Xox

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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