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"hey, there you are! come on, we're gonna be late for class!" jungkook exclaimed, pulling taehyung to their class.

"no, wait. jungkook, i lost my lucky socks!" taehyung cried, panic written all over his face.

"so?" jungkook asked, sitting on his own seat and turned around as taehyung's was only behind his.

"today we have math test! how am i gonna survive like that?! i am so gonna die." taehyung groaned, burying his face inside his hands.

"dude, chill! it's just a math test!" jungkook said.

"it's a math test! without my lucky socks, i'll definitely fail!" taehyung said, worried.

jungkook sighed at the older boy, "where did you last saw it?"

"at my house! i swear it was just lying right on the floor and then poof! it's gone!" taehyung said, using his hands to do wild gestures.

"did you search the whole place?" jungkook asked.

"yes, i did. believe it or not, i even searched my parents wardrobe!" taehyung said.

"oh, well. it's officially gone. sorry." jungkook said, facing back to the front.

"wait! i'm not yet do—"

right at that moment, their maths teacher, mr. kim, entered the class.

"class, keep all your stuffs. i only want to see a pen and a calculator on the table." mr. kim ordered firmly.

taehyung fiddled with his hands nervously. and as told, he took his pen and calculator out, placing them on the table.

mustering up his courage, he raised his hands up.

"yes, taehyung? is there something you want to say?" mr. kim asked.

"you see..." he trailed off, glancing at jungkook. the younger one gave him a look saying, 'are-you-nuts?'.

"well?" mr. kim said, telling him to continue.

"i lost my lucky socks. they're supposed to help me with my tests but now that they're missing, how am i gonna pass the—"

he was cut off with his words when mr. kim groaned, massaging his temples.

"taehyung, i'm so done with your jokes. you better stop now." mr. kim said.

the whole class laughed at him, thinking that all he said was a joke when in fact it wasn't.

"huh? but i wasn't jo—" "shut it." mr. kim said, giving out the test papers.

and when mr. kim wasn't looking, jungkook faced taehyung, "good luck, stupid."

taehyung groaned and rested his head on the table, his face facing his left.

and since he was seated at the corner of the class, he could see the students playing on the field from the window.

he sighed, facing his right. seated a table across his was a girl he wasn't close with. they seldom talked - it's not like taehyung didn't want to be friends with her, but she was the one who never wanted to talk to him. he never knew why.

but then he noticed something. he frowned, sitting straight up and called for the girl's attention.

"dude, why do you have my lucky socks?"


plot credits to @eatseokjin. awh thanks for the idea! please check out my other books from the bts series, thanks! <3

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