Chapter Twelve: Night Again

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The nine weren't that shocked to see a decapitated, nail less Owen with no eyes in the basement with the lockdown box, but the sight basically proved as a sarcastic 'sleep well' message from the killer, which definitely got to them. Night had fell again and this time no one would kill, especially the killer, it has some cleaning up to do. Harry basically sat in the corner and sang BMTH (Bring Me The Horizon) to him self, Liam still struggled on the psychological profile, Keenan tried to come up with new material to keep his mind off the killer, Shae prayed to god that the killer will be caught, Sophia read her book, Aedan mourned over the lack of Wi-Fi and signal, Billy worked out so he was fit enough to beat up the killer, Casey thought deeply about who it could be, Charlie used his magazines. Now. Which one is a lie? One is obviously the killer and it has to clean up and it is cleaning up, I'll leave you to answer that question. Everyone was too scared to either go to sleep or go to the toilet incase the killer is in the en-suite bathroom. The killer was going to leave a big surprise for the morning, especially now he knew where the weapons room was....

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