It's Love

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Yonghwa woke up with a jump start of a headache, he intentionally wanted to hit the sack early as demanded by his fiancée but all those song ideas need to be penned down. It's not easy finding an inspiration after all so once idea strikes him, he must act on it ASAP, with 2 cups of black coffee at 12 AM, it was indeed impossible to sleep early. He flinched as a searing pain hit his temple but instead of pulling himself up, he nestled deeper under the sheets. He rubbed his eyes and stared a few seconds at the window and by the looks of it, it's still early. There's still a touch of silver in the sky with a peeping red orange color out in horizon. He chuckled remembering his fiancées way of waking him up., nothing beats a bright ray of sunlight straight to his face but then again it's still too early

"Aurrghgh" he groaned as the door of their room opened

"This is why I want you to sleep early oppa"

She shook her head as she sashayed in their bedroom nagging him softly in a sing-song manner. He mumbled a reply as he covered his face with a pillow, tuning out whatever it is she plans to say next. She smiled as she began opening and closing cabinets and drawers taking out the clothes that he will use for that day. They've been living together for awhile now and it's part of their agreement on having a long engagement. Well, it's not that long anymore since their wedding will be held this coming spring. It's a wedding 3 years in the making.

She still remembered how he proposed and it's with the help of his singer/ friend Lee Seung Gi. She was aware that Yonghwa was making a song for his friend but she didn't know she has something to do with it. She didn't even know that that exact song will be Seunggi's come back track titled "Will you marry me?" not until the day of his first music show promotion. For some weird reason, Yonghwa asked her to watch the performance; she is friends with most of his friends but not really into following their shows or what-not. She sat in front of the TV waiting for the said performance and once it started her eyes stayed glued on the screen but at the back of her mind, still puzzled why she had to watch it in the first place. As Seunggi began singing, the information about who wrote the song was displayed in bold letters noting specifically that the song is about the composer Jung Yonghwa asking his girlfriend Seo Joohyun to marry him. At the end of the performance, Seunggi held a small statement card that reads "Say Yes"

As soon as the screen panned out, her phone began ringing non-stop and so does her message alert. She sat still inside her apartment staring blankly into thin air until her doorbell rang which made her jump. She stood up shaking and as she opened the door slowly, tears began to sprang out of her eyes as she saw Yonghwa on his knees with a ring on one hand a box of pizza on the other. The minute she jumped on him with a yes, a crowd gather around them with balloons and confettis and only then did she realized it's their family and friends.

Yonghwa was set to debut as a singer but decided against it, he knows that the limelight is not meant for him but for someone else. He always felt that all the works behind a successful artist and their songs is where he belongs and he has excelled in doing so from day 1. It also gives him the freedom to work at his own pace and work with different artist who represents different genres. His family have supported his love for music and so does his younger brother, Jungshins love for photography.

Joohyun on the other hand works in social welfare. It has been her dream ever since to help those in need in her own little way. Her eldest sister Juri, who is 10 years older than her, decided to settle with a simple family life. Her older brother Jonghyun, who is 2 years older than her, is now training to take over their family's business in constructions.

She and Yonghwa have been together for almost 6 years and it was not easy at first. Having a good looking boyfriend surrounded by sexy, flirty and adamant artist is no joke. It was upto the point that random singers would send selcas showing a bit of cleavage, some legs and whole lot conceitedness. It irritates her to no end, she can't seem to understand how women would stoop that low just to get a guys attention, a guy who's in a relationship for that matter. She had always called it disrespectful, disrespectful to her since she's the girlfriend of the guy they are flirting with, disrespectful to the girls' parents for forgetting all the values taught (if there is any) to them and disrespectful to themselves for simply being such a bimbo. Joohyun thinks she can be sexy and sultry with class but the thing is, it's not her cup of tea. She prefers jeans and simply shirt paired with sneakers and a baseball cap. Tomboy? Maybe, so imagine the big surprise when she introduced Yonghwa to her family.

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