Long John Silver

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    He led us to stairs leading to the galley. Delbert and Jim both stomped down the stairs completely frustrated.

“That woman!” Delbert said angry, “That…feline! Who does she think is working for whom?”

“Its my map, and she’s got us bussin’ tables?” Jim added on when Mr. Arrow reached around me and placed his hands on both of their shoulders making them stop.

“I’ll not tolerate a cross word about our captain! There’s no finer officer in this, or any galaxy.” he defended. He let go and they stayed quiet. I looked at them and walked in between them and smiled to them.

“Well, I like her.” I laughed. They both shook their heads at me annoyed.

“Mr. Silver!?” Mr. Arrow yelled out behind us. Through the smoke in the kitchen we could see someone standing and whistling.

“Why, Mr. Arrow, sir.” he said wiping his hands off. “Bringin’ such a fine lady and distinguished gents to grace my humble galley.” he stepped out and bowed in respect. “Had I known, I’d have tucked in me shirt.” he laughed. He stepped out in the light and we saw what he looked like. He had a arm and leg made out of metal on the right side. His head had a mechanical ear and a golden eye on the right side as well.

“A cyborg!” Jim gasped quietly.

“What?” I whispered to him. He looked at me and shook his head.

“I’ll tell you later.” He whispered back. Mr. Arrow pushed Delbert forward towards the cook.

“May I introduce Dr. Doppler? The financier of our voyage.” he said.

“Love the outfit, Doc.” Silver said as a red line of light shot from his right eye and examined him.

“Well, thank you.” Delbert said embarrassed and covering up. “Love the eye.” he said nervously. “uh, these two young kinds are my niece Christy and Jim Hawkins.” he said pushing us both forward.

“Jimbo!” Silver said putting out his right hand and noticed it was knifes and other tools when he suddenly switched it back to a normal hand. Jim stood still staring at his hand then glared up to him. “Aw, now, don’t be to put off by this hunk of hardware.” he said going back to the counter and chopping food up and putting it in a pan. He pulled out a huge butcher knife and chopped up some vegetables and joked around by pretending to cut off his left hand. “These gears have been tough getting use to, but they do come in mighty handy from time to time.” he walked over to a big pot and pored in his pan, sprinkled some flavoring and took a sip. “Mmm!” he said in satisfaction. “Here, now, have a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew!” he said filling three bowls and handing them to us. Delbert sniffed his bowl cautiously and tasted a little of it.

“Mmm!” Delbert agreed. “Delightfully tangy, yet robust.” he said smiling.

“Old family recipe.” Silver explained. Delbert looked down to take another taste when a single eye floated to the top of the soup. He yelled disgusted. “In fact,” Silver said putting his hand around him. “That was part of the old family!” he started laughing throwing back his head. “Oh, ho! I’m just kiddin’ Doc.” he said calming down and picking us the eye ball and ate it. Delbert stuttered out nonsense embarrassed. “I’m nothin’ if I ain’t a kidder.” Silver said walking toward Jim and I eyeing our soup carefully. “Go on kiddos, have a swig.” Silver said encouraging us. Jim took a spoon full and stared at it when the spoon closed and turned pink and came out of his hands. “Morph!” Silver said watching the spoon turn into a little pink blob floating in the air. “You jiggle-headed blob of mischief! So that’s where you was hiding!” the pink blob he called Morph flew toward the bowl and turned into a striped straw and slurped up the rest of the soup.

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