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(Kellins POV, Car)
"Vic where are we going?" I ask and pull out my phone. Haven't checked this shit in a while. Let's see. Katelynn, Katelynn, Oli, Katelynn, Austin, Austin. Hmm that's all the messages I have? "To the store. Us Mexicans cannot have tacos and chips without salsa." I couldn't help but chuckle at his response. "What's so funny?" He asks glancing over at me. "It was nothing. Keep driving." I say and read through my texts. Katelynn#1: Copeland wants her daddy Kells you can't fight ittt <3! Katelynn#2: you homo fag. Cheating on me with some dumbass. Oli: what the fuck mate? Kissing another bloke? Fucking disgusting. Katelynn#3: Kellsssss Copelands asking for youuuu <3! Austin#1: Hey Kells. Austin#2: Kells you ok? I heard what happened. Fuck I really need to block Katelynn. I never knew I would get hate for this.. "Kells you okay?" Vic asks and places his hand on my leg. I snap out of my thoughts and wipe a year from my eye. "Totally. I'm fine." I say and shut down my phone. Fuck all of them. I don't need them. "Kellin your sniffling your not okay." He says as we stop at a stop light. "Victor I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I say and pull my hood over my face. Suddenly Vic pulls over on the side of the road and gets out. "Vic what are you doing?" I whisper to myself as he walks over and opens my door. He crouches down and puts his hand on my leg. "Kellin Quinn tell me what the fuck is wrong." He says and moves my chin so I look at him. I feel the tears behind my eyes. Don't cry Kellin don't cry. Soon the tears all start falling and I cover my face with my hood again. Too late crybaby. "Kellin come here." Vic says and stands up, walking over to a grassy area. I unbuckle and follow behind him. "What.." I whisper and dab my eyes. He pulls me to his chest and holds me tight. "Everything will be fine Kells." He whispers into my ear. I'm gonna lose it. I start crying harder into his chest. "I didn't think I'd get so much hate." I whisper into his shoulder. "Hate? Hate for what?" "Hate for being gay." I say after hesitating. "I know how important your reputation is. I'll back off if you need me too." He says kinda upset. Suddenly he pulls away and walks back to his side of the car. "Vic what are you doing?" I ask leaning down to see into the car. He's never acted like this before. "I'm giving you your space Kellin. Get in." He says without looking at me. Good job Kellin. After driving in silence we finally get to the store. We both walk in without holding hands and keeping our distance from each other.
(Minutes Pass In The Store)
I keep walking behind Vic with my hood up until I get an idea. Don't do it Kellin. I pull my hood down and walk pass Vic... Slapping his ass. He gasps a little and turns around. "Kellin what are you doing?" He asks as I wrap my arms around his waist from behind. "Being all lovey." I say and kiss up his back. "Kells stop." He whispers. I move my way up to his neck and keep kissing. I don't wanna 'have space' I want to be around Viktur. "Eww mate what are you doing?!" Someone yells from behind us. I turn around quickly to see none other than Oli. "What do you want Oliver?" I ask and cross my arms. "I want you to stop being a faggot." He says and Ronnie appears behind him. "Whatcha gonna do? Fight me? Knock me out like you did at Andy's?" "You knocked him out at Andy's? What the fuck?" Ronnie asks. "He deserved it." Oli says and punches my shoulder. "That all you got?" Fuckkkk that hurt! "Kellin come on." Vic says and starts walking away. "Oh no you don't." Oliver says and grabs Vic's shirt. "You both are coming with us." Ronnie says and grabs my hood practically choking me. Goddamn. They drag us out to the parking lot and throw us to the pavement. "Fuck guys knock it off!" I yell and they start hitting and punching us. "Hey fuck off!" I know that voice. Andy! "They didn't do shit assholes!" Ashley? Suddenly the punching and kicking stops but I just keep my eyes closed. "Kells? Kells you okay?" Andy asks and rolls me over. "Little broken but I'll live." I say and grab my head. Andy helps me up and we both go over to Ashley and Vic. "Vic are you okay?" I ask and kneel down. "I never... Got my... Damn salsa.." He says with his eyes closed. We all start laughing as I help him up. "Can we just go home and forget about this?" Ashley asks and holds Andy's hand. "All you guys can stay at my grandpas if you want. There's only one more extra bedroom if that's okay." Vic says. Andy and Ashley exchange smirks and smile. "Sounds good." I say and laugh.
(Vic's house)
When Vic unlocks the front door Ashley and Andy are the first ones in. They run up to the guest bedroom and lock the door. "Well somebody's eager." I say and me and Vic laugh. I walk over to the couch and lay down. "What are you doing?" Vic asks and stares down at me. His face is so beautiful. "Going to sleep." I say and smile. "Kells there's room in my bed. That's probably more comfortable than a 20 year old couch." He says and laughs. I blush a little and nod. Did Vic just invite me to bed with him? I run upset and jump on his bed. I sprawl out all across the bed and smile as walks in. "Well somebody's tired." He says and laughs. I pretend to yawn and curl up in a ball. I feel Vic lay next to me and pull the blanket over us. "Goodnight Kellin." Vic whispers and kisses my cheek. "Night Vic." I say and slowly drift into darkness.
(Skipping the morning & going straight to school)
(Sorry :-( )
Last night was great. Minus the kick ass part. Having a moment with Vic in a store. Getting to sleep with him. They were all great. I don't even care that he snores super loud.... Nevermind.. Yes I do.. Sounds like I'm sleeping next to a fucking train.. Anyways today is probably the worst day ever. 6 fucking tests... I start walking to 1st period before I'm stopped by yelling. "What the fuck?" I whisper to myself and start running down the hallway. "What do you have to say for yourself!" Oliver yells. "I'm sorry!" Vic says through tears. I look over at them to see Oli beating Vic.. Who's almost passed out on the floor. I glance around the rest of the hallway to see Ronnie beating Andy and Ashley and Denis crying in the corner. "Fucking hell Oliver stop!" I yell and punch him. "Your gonna wish you never did that Quinn.." He whispers. I feel something hard hit my face. Soon everything fades to black..
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took a little longer to put up. I didn't really know what else to add too it. Also sorry if this chapter sucked a little. Better ones are coming soon!

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