Chapter Twoooo

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Jacob Perez 

"Fag ! " 

Oh no. Oh no. Don't turn around Jacob. Walk faster. Don't look back, that's how the little blonde girls ALWAYS die in movies. You can't out run the football player. WAIT, track . I ran track. I could easily out run the football player, right? I'm too beautiful to die. I took a deep breath and started running down the hallway. 

"Shit! Go get him!" I heard that extremely sexy voice yell, followed by a lot of footsteps. 

Run Jacob. Don't look back. Run all the way to your dad's office. Yes, and then they will get in trouble. Bad idea. Football players always get out of trouble. Okay, think fast. Run out of the school and run home. PERFECT. Mom should still be home. 

Just as I was about to push through the double doors, two sets of arms pulled me back and I hit the wall. I winced in pain. 

"Why'd ya run away fag?" I looked up and saw those amazing eyes of the one and only , Chresanto August. 

"Well, I- " 

"Get him." 

I felt punch after punch repeatedly hitting my face, arms, and stomach. I felt a few kicks, here and there . I couldn't do anything but take the pain. 

"Jumping? Really? Y'all look like a bunch of bitch niggas for jumping him like that." An unfamiliar voice calmly said. 

The punches immediately stopped. I fell over onto the floor and held my head and stomach. 

Who was the beautiful guy who saved my life? I know he had to be cute because his voice was a turn on. If I wasn't in this situation , I would say some perverted things but.. sadly... Yeah, anyways. I looked used all of my strength to turn and look at my hero . Oh my sex god. He is beautiful . I'd fuck the shit outta him, wait ew no. If I'm fucking him in the ass he better not shit on my dick. Okay eww, disgusting. No more nasty thoughts Jacob... That's just... Eww.. Besides.. He looks like the one who would dick me down real good. Stop it Jacob. You don't even know if he's gay yet. 

" Do you not know who we are? " Chresanto asked. 

"I really don't give a flying fuck who you are. I just think y'all are a bunch of bitch niggas for jumping him." My hero replied. 

"You sure are talking a lot of shit. " Ray, the quarterback of the football team, said. 

I groaned as I stood up. I could feel the bruises forming on my face. 

My hero shrugged his shoulders and looked over at me. He gave me a sympathetic smile and turned back to Chresanto, Ray, and Craig. "Now, next time keep your hands to yourself." He walked over to me and wrapped my arm around his neck and walked me to the nurse, leaving the guys shocked and confused. 

Chresanto August 

Who the fuck was this kid? Who did he think he was? He had no right to come and interrupt our little fun time with Jacob. He had no right to wrap Jacob's arm around his neck. He should have just watched like everybody else. Stupid new kids. Now, Jacob will get it worse after football practice. 

The final bell rang and I headed down to the boys' locker room. I glanced over at Coach's office and I saw Jacob- I mean the stupid faggot in there talking to that stupid new kid. I felt my blood begin to boil. I shook my head and walked into the locker room. 

I began putting on my football uniform when coach walked in holding a clipboard. "August, Crippen, and Lopez, I need you three in my office . " He walked out. 

Oh, fuck. What if Jacob snitched? I swear I'll kill him. Wait, fuck. He's coaches son. I forgot. Damn .. Damn. Damn. Wait, maybe Jacob didn't snitch. Maybe I'm overreacting. 

I shut my locker and walked to coach's office, with Ray and Craig following behind me. I looked around the office. Jacob- I mean the stupid faggot and the new kid sitting on the couch. I glared at them before walking over to the chairs in front of coach's desk. 

"August, Crippen, and Lopez, have you seen the bruises on my son's face?" Coach asked. 

Fuck ! He snitched . I swear I'll kill him. I swear I'll kill him. Fucking faggot, and to think I was starting to - NO . I was not considering anything. I'm Straight and Angry and I'm going to kill the stupid faggot. 

Jacob Perez 

Me and Jaden. You know the cutie who saved my life. Yeah, well , he's really nice and sweet and we've spent the last thirty minutes talking and getting to know each other. I felt like I knew this guy since forever. He's an MSFTS and I'm a Misfit..... I think we were meant to be best friends. 

"Nicki Minaj . Yes, I'd go straight for her or Rihanna any day," I said. 

He let out a chuckle . "If you went straight for Nicki or Rihanna, then you wouldn't be down for a threesome?" He asked biting his lip. 

Is that considered flirting? Oh yes, he's flirting with me. He so wants to stick his dingaling in my donut hole. Oh, my god. I wonder how big it is. What if it's small. His feet, that's a big shoe. You know what they say. 

I was getting ready to answer his question when my dad walked into the room. 

"Bad timing dad, god." I said frustratedly. 

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "What happened to your face?" 

Fuck. Ooooh. Umm, think of a quick lie Jacob. You know you can't snitch on Chresanto and the boys or they will hurt you even worse. Oh shit, fuck, shit, damn, fuck, shit, ass, damn. I sighed heavily. 

"Well, I was walking down the hall when I saw a butterfly. I reached out and tried to grab the butterfly but he started flying away, I used my fairy powers to chase him and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and WHAM my face connected to a very large fist. " I said . 

"You're lying." 

"He got beat up sir, but I stopped the assholes before they could do any more damage." Jaden replied. 

"Who did this son?" My dad asked. 

"Three of your players, sir." Jaden replied. 

"Okay, now no more talking. Shh." I put my index finger against Jaden's lips. He has extremely, soft lips. I'd love to just kiss him right now. 

"Jacob Emmanuel Perez who did this?" 

"Okay , Chresanto, Ray and Craig." I whispered. 

He walked out of the office. 

"Ugh, Jaden . Now your gonna be my bodyguard. You're not much muscle, but you'll do for now.." I said squeezing his arm and shaking my head. 

Dad returned to his office and sat on his desk. Shortly after the door opened. I watched as Chresanto and his friends walked into dad's office. I looked into Chresanto's eyes and he quickly looked away. 

I should start planning my funeral. I'm going to die a virgin. Oh man. Maybe I could take Jaden's offer on that threesome.


I Have Doubts About This Chapter. 

Did You Like It ? 

I Could Have Made It Better But... Twisted Comes On In 8 Minutes Soo... Yeah . 

But , Hey , How Bout That Threesome ? 

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