Chapter 4

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*****Justins POV
I woke up around the usual time I do which is 8 am. Evie was still asleep so I quickly slid out from under her and walked to the kitchen to find Nick up cooking. "I thought about it last night." He said his back turned to me "Yeah I did to and I've come to my decision to let her go man it kills me." I said tears began to escape "But we came between a unbreakable bond between them but I guess it had its weaknesses." Just then we heard a voice "Let me go?" I knew it was Evie "Babe I-" "No you're going to let me go?!" She said loudly her eye still badly swollen from last nights events. "It's for the best." I said to ashamed to look at her "NO DONT YOU DARE FUCKING SAY THAT! YOU WERE THE BEST FOR ME!" She said running in my room locking the door I ran after her. "Baby look-" "Leave me alone." She said opening the door pushing past me with her clothes in her hand that I brought for her the previous night. "Wait where are you going?" I jogged after her "You're so called letting me go so I'm making the job easier for you." She said walking out the door I ran to my room to get a shirt and shoes on and ran after her "Evie wait!" I said "No! I thought you loved me I guess not." She said running away from me.

*****Evies POV
I can't believe what just happened I decided to call Blake. My best friend well best guy friend. Luckily I was only a few minutes from his house so I walked there and knocked on the door "Hey Ev- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" He asked angrily one thing Blake does not take any crap off of nobody when they mess with me I was basically his little sister and he was way protective over me "Long story." I said digging into his chest. He closed the door and he just hugged me tightly. After a long explanation there was a knock on the door "Justin?" Blake said My eyes bulged out of my head as I quickly found a place to hide "Hey Blake I'm looking for Evie." he said obviously out of breath. I texted him to not tell him where I was he responded with an ok.

*****Blakes POV
I opened the door to see Justin one of my good friends. "Hey Blake I'm looking for Evie." He said "Oh I haven't seen her." I lied she was upstairs in my bedroom hiding from you douchebag I thought. "Well I've done something so stupid I can't believe I did." He said with his head in his hands crying. Wow....... I've never seen Justin cry.

*****Evies POV
Wow Justin was crying did he really think he made a mistake? I walked downstairs "Why?" He said "Why did I have to be so stupid as to loose a great girl like her." "Man that fight wasn't your fault it wasn't hers it was Ally's ok you made the decision to let her go you think she wanted to leave you dude y'all have been together 2 days and she keeps rambling on about you over text so I'm pretty sure she loves you a whole lot." Blake said. I mentally laughed I do do that a lot. I was sitting at the top of the stairs thinking "Was everything his fault?" I thought "I need to get her back." He said

*****Ally's POV
I woke up and remembered everything that happened last night. God I was a bitch I can't believe I hit her. I remember the day we first met back in middle school 6th grade she was a great friend and I loved her we always said hoes before bros I guess once we got into high school that changed immediately. I needed to make things right between us but I just didn't know how. Do they make cards that say "Dear best friend I'm sorry I slapped you tons of times but I love you please forgive me?" Yeah I didn't think so. I had to think outside of the box for a minute. "YES!" I screamed looking at my laptop screen that said 2 more backstage passes and front row seats to see 5SOS her favorite band. I quickly bought them, went to get her favorite candy, and but her some more high top converse cause I know she loves them.
No ones POV
Nothing really happened that day Evie just stayed with Blake. Justin went home in hopes Evie would be there but that was not the case Ally was very excited about her plan on getting her best friend back and Nick was just eating pancakes and thinking about Ally. Blake on the other hand was confused and angry.

*****Evies POV
I slept with Blake last night because I needed some comfort. He was still asleep when I woke up I went to the bathroom and the bruise was gone and there was barely any swelling. I hopped in the shower and then got dressed and applied my makeup to my cuts and bruises that I had left which were barley even noticeable. I grabbed a T-shirt and shorts along with my vans and one of Blakes hoodies cause it was slightly chilly outside. I was gonna get me and Blake some breakfast at McDonald's I grabbed his car keys his mom was awake "Hi Mrs. Gray." "Hey Evie I didn't know you stayed over." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "Yeah I just needed Blake to help me through some events to basically calm me down." "Oh sweetie you're welcome here anytime." "Thanks." I said kissing her cheek. She was basically my 3rd mom obviously my real mom being my first one, Ally's being my 2nd and Blakes being my 3rd. "I'm gonna get me and Blake some breakfast from McDonalds would you like any?" "Uh sure I'll take a chicken biscuit please." "No problem be back later." I said waving out the door. On the way to McDonalds I decided to get ally her favorite from McDonald's and drop it off I pulled into the drive thru "Hi welcome to McDonald's how may I help you?" "Um yes can I get 5 chicken biscuits, 4 sweet teas and 3 orders of hashbrowns please?" "Ok your total with me $15.78 pull up to the first window." I paid and got the food and decided to listen to the radio and my favorite song was on 'One Call Away' by Charlie puth I sang along with it until I pulled into the apartment complex. I pulled into a parking space got out and took a deep breath. I walked up stairs to 504 and opened the door to see Nick and Ally talking "EVIE!" Ally said jumping up and running towards me hugging me in that time I had before he got to me I quickly placed the teas and biscuits down. "ALLY!" I mimicked "Oh my god I've missed you so much I'm so fucking sorry." "I know ally you were stressed its fine." "No it's not and to make it up to you I got you a surprise. She ran in her room real quick and came back with a bag full of my favorite candy (Butterfingers), a gift bag and an envelope. I sat down on our sectional and put aside the candy and went for the bag I pulled out a converse box. "I got them personalized. "OMFG ALKY THANK YOU!" They had all the 5SOS guys on them. I gave her the tightest hug. "That's not all." She said I opened the envelope and a card was in there I opened it and tears formed in my eyes. I got confused as I read the last part it said "I know it was your dream to meet Luke and here you go." I looked up and she handed me 2 front row seats and backstage passes to see 5SOS "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!" I said "You're coming with me." I said to her. "Uh duh." She said "Well do y'all wanna go back with me to Blakes house I got to tell him why I left and give him and his mom their food." "Woah hold up is that Blakes jacket?" Nick said smirking "Don't get to excited it was a little chilly this morning so I had to throw on one of his jackets." I said laughing

*****Blakes POV
I woke up and couldn't find Evie. I went downstairs to see if my mom seen her and she told me she went to get us some breakfast she will be back in a minute. I walked upstairs to take a shower, got out dried my hair and got dressed I saw my hoodie missing and laughed to myself thinking Evie took it cause it's her favorite. About 30 minutes later Evie came back with Ally and Nick. "Uh what the hell is she doing here?" I said "Well we talked it out and she apologized and I forgave her." She said kissing my cheek. "Ok well where's my food?" I said laughing "Right here." She said handing me my tea and food.

*****Justins POV
I decided to go talk to Blake about all of this so I drove to his house and his mom let me in "He's upstairs sweetie." "Thanks Mrs.Gray." I walked upstairs and heard laughing and recognized it as Evies, Ally's, and Nicks. I opened the door to see Evie and Blake cuddled up together on his bed and Nick and Ally on the floor. As soon as Evie saw me she hid underneath Blakes arm. "What are you doing here?" Ally said "LETTING HER GO!" I screamed "You already did that." Blake said trying to comfort Evie who started to cry. "Well obviously she moved on so that makes her a whore right?" "WHAT?! YOU LET ME GO AND PLUS BLAKE IS MY BEST FRIEND I DIDNT HOOK UP WITH HIM YOU DUMBASS!" She screamed back at me I looked her straight in the eyes and could tell she was telling the truth. "You know what Justin maybe Allison was right maybe I was as stupid as she was to fall in love with someone that I knew for 2 days." She said running out the door "Evie wait!" Blake said running after her. Wow..... I guess I really broke her.

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