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Thunder roared in the air, rain pouring down like crazy at the dark night. The streets and sidewalk of Zaphias city. The sound of feet running the wet sidewalk was heard widely, the sound of constant gunshots was heard widely.

The blond gritted his teeth holding the small wet gun in his hands. The steel was terribly cold in his hands. He narrowed his eyes at the two figures that he was chasing alongside with Rose, the girl who he believed was younger then him. Hmm... How many years though? Two? Three? Gosh he can't remember. Though he interrupted his thoughts when he heard the mancial laugh in a distance.

"Damn it, Flynn, these two truly are the trouble aren't they?"

The blond shook his head in agreement. Yes, these two were trouble. They have been chasing for a while now. If he had to make an estimate he would say about 10 minutes. Though it was sp dark he can hardly see much of the two figures that he was chasing. It was even hard to tell what they look like. The only light source they had were the flashing lights of the city. Both he and Rose's hands were occupied with their guns. Rose had two knives in any case of emergency, but it was to dark to throw one and with hopes to be able to hit the figure.

It all came to a screeching halt when they stopped chasing the two figures who were standing still in the middle of a park. Standing on the soaked slippery grass. Raising his gun Flynn shook his head in attempt to get some wet hair away from his view. Man he felt cold, his clothing were soaked in water. At this rate he could catch a cold. Rose stood next to him, raising her gun as well. Her pink hair was soaked in water as well.

"All right you bastards. Give it up!" She shouted. Flynn was hoping they do give up. Both he and Rose were out of breath. Man he wished Alisha and Schwann were here already. But of course, both of them were chasing them by car. And by this weather, slips were bound to happen. Flynn felt a tickle on his nose, before letting out a sneeze when he couldn't handle it any longer.

"Getting tired commander?" sneered one of the standing figures. Flynn gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, this one had... Interesting hair. Let's just say it had pink in it. The other, Flynn would like to say that it's almost if he tried to cosplay a fox. 

"Flynn Scifo! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!"

Flynn's blue eyes switched gaze to see Alisha run up next to him, Schwann running up next to Rose as they held out there guns. "Ah, perfect timing Alsiha." Flynn smiled brightly. 

"Oh now that's not fair. Four versus two. What's the fun in that?" The fox looking guy whined almost, he didn't seem sad though. 

"Who cares! Just surrender already!" Rose yelled back irritated. Flynn could see the annoyed look in her eyes. Not like he can't relate or anything. 

Pink haired crazy guy pointed his blade at all three saying as he let out his maniacal grin, "We got what we came for, and we shall leave. But this isn't over Flynn Scifo. I will find you again and right before your eyes the darkness will come back. The era of great depression will come back. It will all be so wonderful! Best of all we-"

Fox man sent a glare to his comrade and smacked him. "Quiet! We can't spoil everything Zagi!"

Zagi laughed maniacal in return, holding up a black orb looking thing he threw it into the ground and a large cloud of black smoke let out. 

Flynn, Rose, Alisha and Schwann covered there mouth and nose as the smoke cleared showing the two criminals have escaped. 

"Era of depression...?" Rose questioned, lowering her arm down. Turning her gaze to Flynn she asked, "You don't think he means..."

Flynn bit his lip, his eyes glued on the ground, and the place were the two criminals vanished. Staring back at Rose he said with a concerned tone, "Yes Rose. I think I know what he does mean. And that isn't good at all."

Alisha's eyes widen, "Shouldn't we warn the people about this Sir Flynn?"

Flynn shook his head, "No Alisha, the people wouldn't believe us. They think they are mere fairy tales."

"Then how should we--? We can't just sit around and do nothing! Surely we can do something!" Alisha yelled in complete concerned. 

Flynn let out a sigh, and once again shook his head. "I'm sorry Lady Alisha. But, I believe we can't do anything... All we can do is wait while we watch time fly by and hope for the best."

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