Chapter 1: Yea How About No??

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Chapter 1: Yea How About No??

I hate Monday's,no scratch that I hate school. I mean what's the point of going to school to learn something that you will never use and have your teachers tell you to look videos up on YouTube if you have trouble with your homework. Why can we not just sit at home in our bed and just watch YouTube videos? But sadly the world isn't like that. I look to my bedstead and see the numbers 5:00 and hear the radio blasting through my alarm clock. See the thing is is that I have a crazy,excuse me,INSANE mother who thinks people get up at 5 in the morning just to work out. My mom's crazy schedule is 5-5:30 exercise/warm up, 5:30-6 go jogging,take showers,get ready,and I'm sent off to this horrible social experiment called high school.

I decide to get up from my comfortable queen size bed and look around my room until deciding to grab a Starbucks can from my mini fridge and sit in my bassinet chair hanging from the ceiling in the corner. My room is a teal number with black furniture and green and pink accents. My desk,vanity,chairs and bed frame are all black. My bed sheets are white and black with pink and teal pillows,all the cushions in my room are green or pink. And on my walls are pictures that I've drew and sayings I don't ever want to forget,and I have some picture hanging in my closet and things strayed over the place but in an organized way.I have some lights hanging above chairs my flat screen,which is hung on the wall,and above my chairs. Let's just say my room is very pretty at night when I turn those lights on and the regular ones off. A relaxing song comes on over my radio speakers and I swear I feel peaceful and infinite and nothing could stop me today and everything was ok. But that feeling soon ended.

"Honey get dressed your missing warm ups!!" my mom says jogging in and out of my room.

My mom used to be a model,until she found my dad,her dr.,and feel in love got married and had me. After she had me no one wanted her in the magazines and ads anymore,but that doesn't stop her from dieting,working out,getting spray tans,and any and very cosmetic she wants. My mom is bleach blonde and tan,naturally,has baby blue eyes and lips that would make any man lucky to get near,and stands at 5'8. My dad is a plastic surgeon with brown hair,green eyes,and has a golden natural tan,stands at 6'1,and I think my dad could have been a model as well. And then you have me,a dirty blonde and bleach blonde tips with blue-green eyes, freckles and stand at 5'4. I would call myself pretty but not drop dead sexy. Honestly I look ok without make-up but when I have it on I look more like my mom but I don't like the attention so I try to cover my 6 pack and c-cup boobs as much as I can. (I know my boobs sound small but they look big on me because of my body frame,and I'm also 16 so expectations aren't that high yet,especially in California believe it or not).

"Yeah mom I'll be down in a sec!" I yell down stairs. I decide on a hot pink sports bra with my black soffes and my old cheer shoes,don't ask. I go to the bathroom,brush my teeth,and throw my hair in a top knot,then jog downstairs.

"Stretch real quick it's time to go jogging" my mom says while grabbing her phone.

"Wait are we running in the neighborhood?" I ask

"Yea I'm tired of the treadmills" she says,referring to the ones in our private gym downstairs,and I freak.

This would be fine if I had clothes on and the hottest guys at school didn't live in my neighborhood,as well as the mean girls who can take pictures and blow them up at school. Like I said I don't like being the center of attention. I'm actually fine with people ignoring me. It's not like I don't WANT to have friends but most of them where only for my money or they wanted something from me,and then you would always have drama and guys would get in the way,it's just TOO complicated. To my despair my mom drags me out of the house and down the street. We both take out our iPhone 5s,our dad has friends in good places,and plug up our head phones and put them in. This is our normal routine and I think about how maybe we should switch it up,after all this is my Jr. year and I barley have anything to show for it except grades and one year of cheer leading back when i LIKED the attention. I can't believe how high school can change you so much,or maybe it just teaches us to put up walls and we now know who to let in and out maybe that's just how life... **UMPH**

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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