Chapter two

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Percy's POV

I stretched out and yawned, I looked at the clock it's only 4:15. "BLEH!" I heard gagging and coughing sound coming from the kitchen. Nico? I thought to myself. I stood up and walked out of the room into the kitchen. Nico was taking big spoon full's of Apple cider vinegar. "Nico?! What the heck are you doing!!!" I asked. He gagged. "Nothing! I'm fine! Go back to bed!" I saw tears stream down his face. I walked over to him and hugged him. "What's wrong Nico? Please tell me."
"I'm fine Percy."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"I AM FINE!" He yelled, what's his problem? "Nico I'm worried sick about you, we're taking you to the hospital today!" I said. "No!" He crossed his arms over his chest like a two year-old. "Please do it for me...." I kissed him.His lips tasted like vanilla with a hint of death? Eh.
---time skip to like 2:49 because I'm a really impatient person.---
Nico was looking out the car window, he wore a baggy black sweat shirt,with black jeans and grey vans. "Nico it's going to be fine!" I said, the last time he visited the hospital he almost broke his neck. Don't ask. "Percy, what part of "IM FINE" don't you get?" He said like he was annoyed with me. I sighed..."Nico I'm just worried about you, I mean I love you but with love comes me wishing to help you." I turned into the parking lot and parked the car. "Come on." I said.
-Nicos POV-

I got out the car and slammed the door. I laced my fingers with Percy's and we walked into the hospital. I sat down in a chair and Percy walked over to check me in. My stomach was KILLING me. I sighed and pulled out my phone. I texted my dad.
N(me):Hey dad, anything you want to tell me when my stomach hurts like crazy? An I start randomly gaining weight?
D(dad):Uh...heh...Nico there's something I need to tell you.
N:THEN TELL ME ALREADY! can...get...preg....nant...
N:you're kidding me?
D:No,when you were younger the doctor told me. They have nothing on it
D:I just didn't think you were ready...
N:Oh..ok..well you
D:Love you too.
I turned off my phone and put my hands on my stomach,and groaned. Great. There's a little person growing inside of me. I thought. "Nico di Angelo." I snapped back into reality. I stood up and walked threw the doors the nurse whispers close in my ear "third door on the left, hurry. I got a text from your dad." I nodded and ran into the third door on the left, she hurried in after the me in closed the door. She checked my weight and height. "Please sit Mr.Di Angelo." I sat on the bed. "My dad told you?" I asked the nurse. A small smile tugged at her lips. "Yeah...heh...anyways can you please lay down?" I laid down. She lifted up my sweat shirt and exposed my stomach. Wow..."Any pain? Or sickness this morning Nico?" She took the cream and rubbed it on my stomach. "Actually yes.. I..ahh..." I couldn't help myself. She took out these two things and put them on my stomach something showed on a screen. She pointed at the screen. "That's the bundle of cells growing inside of you!" She beamed. I fainted.

Hi it's meeeeee, I was meaning to update yesterday BUT! I had dance and stuff! Anyways more coming soon hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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